Pico Snaps

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Boyfriend: So dude, wanna tell me about your past school days?

Pico: No way!!! I don't tell anyone about those kind of things!!!

Boyfriend: Come on, Pico. We used to date. And one of the reasons we broke up was because we had trust issues. I don't want our friendship to be destroyed because of that either.

Pico: Well I don't wanna talk about it!!!

Girlfriend: Maybe it's not a good idea to pressure him, Boyfriend.

Boyfriend: Come on, babe. Everyone knows that Pico was part of a school shooting started by some weird goth kids, and he even had to kill Nene!

Pico: [Angry] You know what?! I've fucking had it with you! I'm gonna just kill you right now! I don't care if I get arrested! I just want you dead for bringing that up! [Pulls out his gun, and as he was about to shoot Boyfriend, Kat used her powers to get rid of the gun] What the fuck?

Kat: Okay, you two, settle down. We don't want a repeat of last week. [To Boyfriend] And you should be ashamed of yourself! Trying to make people relive their trauma!

Boyfriend: But I just wanted Pico to open up to me and...

Kat: And put him in an uncomfortable position! You boys really aren't any better than those goth kids who shot up that one school! [To Pico] Come on, Pico, let's go grab some dinner.

Pico: Okay, thanks Kat.

Boyfriend: Well, alls well that ends well. By the way, what did Kat do with Pico's gun?

Girlfriend: Oh she just sent it to the place we send anything that tries to hurt us.

Cut to Senpai.

Senpai: Ah. What a beautiful day. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the roses are blooming. Nothing can possibly ruing this day. [It starts raining guns] Why is it raining guns again?

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