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[Pico's dream]

Pico was in a strange looking blue void. It was dark, cold, scary, and a little strange for the ginger.

Pico: Where am I? Hello?! Anyone here?! Boyfriend? Girlfriend? Kat? Please! Anyone? [Hears evil cackling in the distance] Who's there?!

?????????: I told you that I was gonna be back, and now I am, and I'm seeking revenge, Pricko! [Pico turns around to see, her! Someone who he thought he'd gotten rid of! Someone who he had tried to forget for many years! Someone he knew almost too well]

Pico: Cassandra?! What are you doing here?!

Cassandra: I swore to you that I would be back, and I never break swears, Pricko! Now it's time to do what I should've done years ago! [Pulls out her gun]

Pico: Ha! Two can play at that game! [Tries to pull out his gun, but it wasn't with him] My gun! Where is it?!

Cut to Senpai.

Senpai: Why is it still raining guns?

Cut back to Pico and Cassandra.

Cassandra: Hahahahaha! You're living in your worse nightmare now, Pricko! I already got rid of Boyfriend, Girlfriend, and Kat! Now you're next!

Pico: Please, Cassandra! I know you're better than this! Remember when you were getting bullied on our first day of middle school?!


Bully: [Pushing Past Cassandra] That's what you get for showing your ugly face around here, loser!

Past Pico: Leave her alone, you jerks! [Pulls out his gun] If you know what's good for you!

Bullies: [Running away crying like little babies]

Past Cassandra: Why did you do that?

Past Pico: What do you mean?

Past Cassandra: Aren't you gonna bully me like those bullies did?

Past Pico: Of course not! I always knew that I should treat others the way I wanna be treated.

Past Cassandra: Thank you.

Past Pico: My name is Pico. What's your name?

Past Cassandra: Cassandra.

Past Pico: You know what, Cassandra, I think that were gonna become really good friends.

Past Cassandra: Yeah. Me too.

[Flashback ends]

Pico: You were being bullied, and I save you!  You were so nice! It's not too late to be like that again! You can change! I know you can!

Cassandra: [Rolls her eyes] I'm never gonna accept your friendship! You're probably just like those bullies! All I ever wanted was love, but I never got it, no matter how hard I tried! [Points gonna at Pico] Say goodbye, Pricko! [Shoots] Hahahahaha!!!

Pico: No!!!

[Back to reality]

Pico shot up from his bed and screamed. His face was sweating and it was covered in tears. Kat woke up.

Kat: Pico! Is everything okay?!

Pico: [Crying] I'm fine!

Kat: But you're crying!

Pico: [Crying] No I'm not!

Kat: Pico, please tell me what's wrong! I can help you!

Pico: [Takes a deep breathe] Fine. C-cassandra came back, and, she killed you, Boyfriend, and Girlfriend. And she was about to kill me.

Kat: [Hugs Pico] I'm sorry about that. It was just a dream though, and if Cassandra comes back to hurt any of us, I'll protect you.

Pico: Thanks Kat. But are Boyfriend and Girlfriend alright?

Kat: Of course. [Pico sees Boyfriend and Girlfriend sleeping on the other bed] It looks like Boyfriend fell asleep gaming again. [Walks over to Boyfriend and grabs his Gameboy and puts it on the dresser] See? Boyfriend and Girlfriend are fine. [Pico nods, but he can still see the image of their bloody bodies on the ground]

Pico: I don't know if I'll be able to go back to sleep.

Kat: I know something that might help. Follow me. [Grabs Pico's arm and they both go outside. The beautiful starry night sky caught Pico's attention] Whenever me or Cherry have nightmares, Daddy and Mommy take us outside to look at the stars, to remind us of happy moments.

Pico: They do that?

Kat: Just because their demons doesn't mean they don't care about their daughters.

Pico: I guess you're right. [Pico and Kat cuddle each other and they look up at the stars. This was a memory they would never forget]

Pico: Hey Kat.

Kat: Yes Pico?

Pico: What kind of nightmares do you have?

Kat: Well, some about my family being hurt. Some about the corruption getting to us. And some about seeing you get hurt.

Pico: M-me too.

Kat: Nightmares are scary to think about, and they can hold some truth, but in the end, they're not real. You've got nothing to worry about, okay?

Pico: Yeah. We should go back inside now. [Kat and Pico head back inside and back into Kat's room. Pico got back onto his bed] Kat?

Kat: Yes?

Pico: Thank you.

Kat: Anything for you. You need anything else?

Pico: Do you think we can sing our favorite song before I go back to sleep?

Kat: Of course.


You are my sunshine, 


my only sunshine

[Pico and Kat]

You make me happy when skies are grey

You'll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

Pico fell asleep and for the rest of the night, he didn't have anymore nightmares.


Senpai: Why is it still raining cats and dogs? [Realizes his mistake] Cut that part out!

Pico shot up from his bed and screamed. His face was sweating and it was covered in tears. Kat woke up.

Kat: What the?!

Daddy Dearest: [Runs into the room while holding two guns] Who's trying to hurt my daughter?!

Pico: Uh... I just had a nightmare.

Daddy Dearest: Dammit, boy! I was just having the best dream ever! [Cut to his dream, featuring Daddy Dearest beating up Boyfriend]

Pico: I don't know if I'll be able to go back to sleep.

Kat: I know something that might help.

Pico: Are we gonna bang?

Kat: No!!! [Slaps Pico]

Pico: Do you think we can sing our favorite song before I go back to sleep?

Kat: Of course.


You are my sunshine, 

Daddy Dearest: [Runs into the room] Shut the fuck up! I was just having the best dream ever! [Cut to the dream, featuring Daddy Dearest stabbing Boyfriend multiple times]

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