Cave Catastrophe: Part Two: Boyfriend and Daddy Dearest' Plan For Pico

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Boyfriend: Psst, Daddy Dearest!

Daddy Dearest: What, boy?

Boyfriend: I got a better idea than just throwing rotten eggs at him!

Daddy Dearest: Does it involve you shutting the fuck up?

Boyfriend: No.

Daddy Dearest: Then I don't wanna hear it!

Boyfriend: But it's a good idea!

Daddy Dearest: [Sighs] Fine! What's your idea?

Boyfriend: [Whispering to Daddy Dearest] You should send him to a skunk cave! When I was fourteen, me, Miku, Ritz, and Big Brother walked past one and we decided to go inside! We totally got sprayed! We had to sit in a tub of tomato juice for six hours! That's also one of the reasons why Ritz and Big Brother moved out! It will totally make Pico freak the fuck out!

Daddy Dearest: [Whispering] First of all, I wish I could've been there to see ya get sprayed! [Boyfriend just glares at Daddy Dearest] Second of all, I cannot believe I'm saying this, but that's actually not a bad idea! [They both start snickering]

Jakei: What are you two talking about? [Boyfriend and Daddy Dearest yelp and turn around, only to see Jakei behind them] You heard me! What are you two talking about?

Boyfriend: [Whispering to Jakei] Daddy Dearest is gonna send Pico to a skunk cave!

Jakei: [Laughs] Awesome, dude!

Pico: What are you two talking about? [Daddy Dearest sends Pico to the skunk cave]

Daddy Dearest and Boyfriend: [They do a fistbump]

Mommy Mearest: [She walks over, only to see Daddy Dearest and Boyfriend fistbumping] It's good to see that you two are finally getting along! [Daddy Dearest shoves Boyfriend to the floor]

Boyfriend: [To Daddy Dearest] Bitch!

Cream: Mr. Dearest, that wasn't very nice!

Jakei: [He laughed like Nelson from "The Simpsons"]

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