Kick The Baby! (Mid Fight Masses)

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Ruv: Ready Selever? Kick the Baby!

Baby Selever: Don't kick the damn baby!

Ruv: Kick the Baby! [He kicks Baby Selever into a window, which breaks]

Sarvente: Selever, you broke another window! [Picks up Baby Selever] That's a bad baby, bad baby!

Baby Selever: [Fakes cries] But Mama, Dada kicked me!

Sarvente: Is that true, Ruv?!

Ruv: In my defense, we were playing a game!

Sarvente: What kind of game?

Ruv: It's called "Kick the Baby."

Sarvente: What are you suppose to do in "Kick the Baby?"

Ruv: You're suppose to kick the baby.

Sarvente: So you kicked the baby, AKA Selever, AKA your own damn son into a window?!

Ruv: Yes!

Sarvente: Ruvyzvat, you need parenting classes!

Ruv: No I don't!

Sarvente: Come on, Selever, let's go clean you up! [She walked away with Baby Selever]

Baby Selever: [He stuck his tounge out at Ruv]

Ruv: [Growls] Someday Selever, I will have my revenge!

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