Chapter 1: One-Sided Love💔

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"Ajhumma! I am off now!" Rara hugs a middle aged lady who smiles at her. She grabs onto her backpack and leaves the house.

She makes her way to the pavement outside where her bicycle was parked. She hops on.

"Let's go!"

Rara is a carefree , happy go lucky 20 year old girl.
She is an orphan who never knew who her parents were. She was abandoned at a park as an infant,and a kind young lady took her under her wing since then.

She grew up in the 'Children Of God' orphanage since then.

But she had a sunny disposition always. She believes she is lucky to have found Mrs Oh,who raised her till now. And she worked hard to support her too now.

She studied very hard and after giving the college entrance exams,she passed out with flying colours and was able to secure a scholarship to support her college education at Korea University. She was a medical student looking forward to specialise in physiotherapy. There was a reason why she chose that though~

Well,this is not a kdrama,hence there were no bullies at school who would make her feel unwanted as she was an orphan. But she didn't have friends exactly too. Since the other kids got to hang out,go for the movies,but in her free time,she worked part time jobs as she had to support Mrs Oh back at the orphanage. But honestly,she didn't mind. She liked this lifestyle of hers.

Nobody really mattered to her- except one person-her only friend,rather best friend as she would say.

She was in the library browsing through some books when she heard her phone buzz. Her eyes gleamed in excitement. There was only one person who would ever text her.

It was Sim Jaeyun. She was totally a simp for him. She has been hopelessly in love with him for over 18 years now. They grew up together in the orphanage. Rara really thought they both were meant to be.

Though he moved out a few years ago to live on his own,he still checks up on Mrs Oh and is in touch with her.

He got into Korea University in the sports department. He was on the soccer team,as he tried to get onto the national team.

She hurried over to the soccer field as fast as her legs carried her.

She spotted him seated on the staircase.

"Jaeyunie!" She waves as she runs towards him. But due to her excitement,she doesn't see a step and trips.

Jaeyun gets up and sighs before walking towards  her.

"Ra Ra...why are you so clumsy?" He bends down and gently helps her up.

"Sorry's just you called so...I hurried..."she says in a flustered tone. But both of them were used to this buy now.

"Did you have lunch?" He asks.

"Umm...yeah..."She lies, but her stomach growls right at the moment giving her away. He shakes his head.

"I knew it. Here." He hands over a club sandwich.

"For me?" She looks at him in astonishment.

"Yeah,you keep skipping lunch always." He carelessly says.

"Thank you Jaeyun...for caring about me..."She shyly said.

"Hey,its in exchange of the homework you are about to do for me!" He quickly tosses a notebook into her hands.

"It's for the theory class. The usual. Do a good job!" He quickly rushes away as she is left staring at him.

She pouts. Sports Health is the only class they share and he makes her do all his homework. Well she was used to this too.
She wouldn't have done it for anyone else though.

She seats herself back down on the stairs and takes a bite out of the club sandwich.

"Mhm...yummy" she nods in glee as she starts working on Jaeyun's essay.


It was afternoon,their last class for the day-Sports Health. Ra Ra was in class along with a few others, awaiting their teacher.

Sunghoon walks in and takes his seat.

"Sunghoon aa!" She approaches him.

"Where's Jaeyun?" She asks but he shrugs.

"Well he is never on time is he Ra Ra?" She nods at his point.
They were all used to it.

"Fine,I am leaving this here."she places his notebook on his designated table before returning to her desk right next to the window pane.

The class starts and there is no sign that Jaeyun will turn up. Ra Ra is listening and taking notes. She happens to look outside briefly,but enough for something to catch her eye.

Her heart pained at the sight.

It was Jaeyun on his bike,just about to exit the campus,with a  brunette by his side. She quickly gets on to the bike and clutches on to his waist as they ride out of sight.

Ra Ra sighs. It was Liyah. Jaeyun has liked her for a while,and looks like they are going out now.

Well she couldn't blame Jaeyun,she never told him how she felt about him , out of fear he might reject her. But still it hurt.

The class ends and Ra Ra lingers at Jaeyun's desk. She sighs and takes back the notebook.

Sunghoon stares at her sadly.

"She saw them didn't she?"

Rara is back home. She seats herself at the desk and buries her face in her arms.

"Nuna! Play with us!" Jihoon and
Minyoung,the 7 year olds came upto her and started pulling on to her arms.

She wasn't in the mood today.

"I am not in the mood kids...just leave me alone today.."she mutters.

"What's wrong?" She hears his voice. She looks up to find Jaeyun at the door.

"Hyung! Oppa!" Both the kids go upto him as he pats their hair lovingly.

"Why are you here?" She asks emotion less.

"Why? I need your permission to come here?"he snickers. She shakes her head and hands over his book.

"You came for this didn't you?" She says nonchalantly.

"Yep!Thank you sweetheart!" He pats her hair as he smiles. casually he uses that term. And the patting of her hair,he just did that to the kids also. Yeah,he probably views her to be a kid who does his homework.

"Oppa? Are you going to stay tonight?" Minyoung asks. He bends down at her height as he pats her hair again.

"No Minyoung-ah...oppa has some work,I will come to see you again!" He smiles.

"Yeah..oppa is very busy,he probably has a date to attend." Rara bluntly says as he looks at her in surprise.

"What's gotten into her today..." He wonders.

"Okay,I will get going then." He walks out without sparing her a second glance.

She quickly rushes out to the window to see him leave.

There he was,looking so fine in his biker jacket as he put on his helmet and got onto his bike,and sped away.

"I hate you...Sim Jaeyun...I hate how much I love you..."


A/N-4th August 2021

I was actually listening to a song about heart break,and this story idea popped into my head. So here we are✌️

This is going to be a slow burn kind of a story.

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