Chapter 9:Spray Of Jealousy

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Rara takes a taxi to Jay's place as it was raining.

"Jay,yeah! I started out just now,should reach your place in a couple of minutes."

"Rara,I am just dropping my uncle's car,I should be back home by the time you get there. If not,just wait inside for a few minutes,I will be there."

"But how do I enter your house?"

"Ah don't worry about that. My roommate is home. "

"Jay,that's alright I can just wait outside for a while..."

"Aah don't worry about him. He is in our college too. Same year and sports department as well. He is a good guy,don't worry about him. I don't want you waiting outside in the rain, drenching yourself, I will be home very soon."

She couldn't refute anymore as he hangs up.

She just looks into her purse,at the pepper spray she always carried around.

"Well if he does anything weird,I am ready." She relaxes. Though she knows nothing of that sort is going to happen anyways,it doesn't hurt to be a little prepared and cautious at all times.

She reaches her destination and quickly hurries out the taxi,shielding herself from the rain and runs into the building.

She checks Jay's text with which he sent the address. Jay lived on the penthouse with his roommate,rented out to students mostly as it was quite affordable.

She climbs up the stairs cautiously as they were quite slippery due to the rain. But still manages to trip on the wood.


She slowly gets up and finds a stinging pain in her ankle

"Aish...must have sprained it..."she sighs as she limps to Jay's  apartment and rings the bell.

She opens her purse keeping the pepper spray ready at hand anyways.

But the one she meets eyes with is so surprising she drops it to the ground.



They stare at each other in shock,not expecting to find each other there.

"So YOU are Jay's roommate?!"

"So YOU are Jay's crus- I mean- friend??"

He then gives a slight chuckle understanding how big of a mess the whole thing is. He then looks at the pepper spray bottle lying on the floor. He picks it up.

"Wait. You still have this?!"

"Yep. The same one you gave me on my birthday last year." She coolly says as she tries to walk inside.

"See,you were complaining how I should have given you a better gift. Mine is probably the only you still have and is actually useful!" He taunts her as he hands it back to her.

"I would have treasured anything you would have given me anyways." She mutters under her breath.

"Hey,why are you walking funnily?" Jaeyun observes her limping.

She shakes her head as if to say nothing and sits down.

"You tripped didn't you? Why are you so clumsy? Here,let me see it." He sits down on the floor and tries to take a look at her ankle but she resists.

"I just had a little fall,that's it. It should be good if I put on some spray. Get me yours." She says.

He sheepishly shakes his head.

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