Chapter 24: Let's go on a date...💖

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Rara had to use crutches for a few weeks. Jake insisted she should just comfortably use a wheelchair and he will take her around,but she firmly refused.

"You don't need to bother.Thank you." She would say.

Ever since the incident on the track,everyone was gossipping over Rara and Jake's relationship.
So she didn't want to be seen next to him,hoping they would get bored soon if they didn't spot them.

But did Jaeyun care? NoH✨

As she limped on her crutches,he would walk right with her,holding her books for her. No matter how hard she tried,he wouldn't go away.

He walked her to class and made sure she sat comfortably.

"How long is your class for?" He asks with puppy eyes as he kneels down in front of her desk.

"It's 50 minutes long..."she says.

He chuckles and then looks sideways to a couple of other students who were squealing looking at them.

"How long is it actually?" He asks with his flirty smile.

"30 minutes." They giggle as he chuckles,Rara facepalms.

"Lying eh?" He smirks at Rara who rolls her eyes.

"Yeah,so that I can run away before you get me again."

"No...I won't get you again..."he solemnly says,making her raise an eyebrow in confusion.

He leans in and smirks,"Cause I will never let you go in the first place."

Rara shakes her head as the classroom echoes in squeals as he shyly bows and takes his leave.

"He is nuts..."she sighs.

Jake has a giddy feeling within him as he he smiles like a fool walking down the corridoor.

"I won't let go of my precious treasure again..." He blushed.

The scene from the racetrack flashed in his mind.

How he swooped her up in his arms and carried away as she stared at him in awe. Like a fairytale~

Suddenly a thought came across his mind.

"How did Rara get hurt in the first place?"

His face turned to a frown.

"Someone did it on purpose. There's no way such pieces of glass would find their way into shoes. Plus Rara is always careful,she dusts and checks her shoes before she brings them from home. Someone definitely tampered with it here at school."

"But who could commit something so malicious...someone who hates Rara that much that they could go to such an extent to hurt her?"

He thought really hard,but no one came to mind.

Rara was a sweet girl,and very helpful and kind. As much as he knew,she didn't have any enemies. She was never even bullied. This is the first time such a thing happened to her.

"I will find you,whoever you out." He clenched his fist in rage.

"Jake Sim?" He hears a fairly familiar voice.

He turns around to spot Vinnie.

"Oh hi..." He is quite surprised to see her in the sports block.

"What are you doing here?" He asked curiously.

"Ah,I came to see you actually.Can we talk for a moment?" She asks and he nods.

They both go to the café.

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