Chapter 32:Intersection

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"How have you been Rara..." Jaeyun asks her,still in a daze,seeing her after almost 5 years. She changed so much. Her face grew more mature and she looked even more wiser,but her eyes-those almond shaped drops of coffee were as graceful as ever.

"I am doing well...and I can see you have been too..."she nods looking at him.

He was now the captain of the national football team. The prodigy,his name was everywhere.

Both of them had realised their dreams.

They were lost in each other's eyes,not knowing what to say. Until they were interrupted by the receptionist.

"Miss Oh,the minister awaits you."

"Ah right,I will get going."

And thus they part ways,yet again.

Rara enters the room of the minister who welcomed her with a pleasant smile and asks her to take a seat.

"Miss Oh,having someone as accomplished as you starting a hospital in our region is such a blessing." The frail old man in his late sixties said.

She smiled in response, "I thank you so very much for giving us all the support we needed."

They make more small talk as he offers her some drinks before they finally get to the main topic.

"Right,the government contracts..."he pauses and Rara holds her breath,the competition was very high and she was worried she would be turned down.

"We have decided the contract should go to you Dr Oh."

Rara stopped herself from jumping up on the sofa out of joy. This was her first major contract!

"You are highly accomplished and the best at what you do. Since we are preparing for the Olympics this year,we need the best of the best,which is you. We trust you."

She bowed, "thank you sir,I wil prove it to you that you made the right choice."

She walked out of the room,giddy with happiness and saw Jungwon  at the entrance waving at her.

She hopped up to him.

"We did it! We did it! Doctor Yang!!" She gives him a high five as he shows his dimpled smile and giggles.

"Of course you did it Doctor Oh! I knew you would."

"We are meeting the teams tomorrow. Come along with me.Okay?"

"I will come with you anywhere."


The next day,Doctor Oh Rara and Doctor Yang Jungwon set off to the field along with their team of nurses and doctors. Sports was a very challenging field and medical help should always be on standby.

"We are going to be taking care of the Junior National Football  Team. Lots of young hopeful teens here. Let's do a good job okay everyone!" Rara cheers them up.


The manager was awaiting them. He shook hands with Rara.

"Welcome doc. Please take care of our kids."

She smiled and turned across to see a shocker.

Sim Jaeyun.


He was most definitely not a teen!

Did he forge his age or somethin?

All sounds of confusing thoughts entered Rara's mind.

"We were supposed to be incharge of the junior team me thinks...."she mumbled.

"Aah...well the Olympics are around the corner,so we instead decided to shift you to the national team instead."


"Ah right,meet our captain. The star of this team-Jake Sim."

She turned around to find Jake with his signature smirk on.

"Hey. I am Jake. Nice to meet you doc."

He extended his hand,waiting for her to shake it.

She exhaled deeply,before looking up with determination.

"I am Doctor Rara,it's a pleasure."

They shake hands,both looked determined.

Rara-to keep this professional,and not fall for him again.

Jaeyun-To make her fall for him,yet again.


A/N-16th December 2021

Ooh👀 They meet again.Lets see what's in store.

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