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My hands trembled as I picked my cell phone from the floor. My fingers rush to dial Ashton's number, knowing he's the one I should call. After a few rings, his voice rings in my ears.

"Hey doll! You alright?" He cheers and I clear my throat, attempting to hold back my tears.

"I need you to drive me to the hospital, please. The one on 81st and Oak."

There's a pause on both ends of the line for a moment, until Ashton speaks again.

"Uh, right now? It's a bit busy as the bar, Doll." I grit my teeth, a few tears running down my cheeks.

"Yeah, right now." I hiccup as a speak, a arranged whimper making its way out of my throat.

"Okay, okay." Ashton's voice comes out in a soothing tone now, "I'll be on my way in a few, you're at Luke's, yeah?"

I instinctively nod my head, but I respond with words as well. "Mhm, thank you." I hang up the phone and begin to cry, letting my emotions out. By the time Ashton knocks on the door, my cheeks are tinted red and covered in tears.

Without hesitation, he helps me to his vehicle, even offering to buckle me in. I decline his offer, doing it myself as I try to calm my nerves. I pick at my finger nails, soothing myself in this unhealthy way. As the tired of his vehicle roll down the pavement, a silence fills the air, until Ash breaks it, that is.

"Ava?" I force myself to look at him, "What's going on, dear?" I bite my lip at his question, Unsure what to say.

"Don't freak out, promise you won't." I urge, my eyes drifting towards the cars in the parking lot as Ashton searches for a spot. "Promise." He responds almost immediately and I suck in a breath.

"Well, uhm.." I trail off, trying to compose myself, "I was left a voicemail saying Luke is here?" My voice cracks at the end of my sentence and I can see Ashton's honey colored eyes soften, mimicking the pain in my own.

"Wh..What?" His tone comes out odd, almost as if he doesn't believe me for a moment. "I'm sorry." I mutter, "for bothering you. Or worrying you. I didn't know who else to call." I shut my eyes, hanging my head towards my lap.

Many emotions corse through me, pain, confusion, hurt, disappointment. It's quite a lot to handle, but I have to.

"Could you.. come inside with me? Please."

The pair of us quickly get out of the vehicle before making our way to the entrance of the tall building. I spot a map of the hospital and rush to find where the reception desk is. Ashton is right behind me and I notice his eyes examining the map as well.

"There." His finger jabs the spot on the map that reads, 'reception and check in'. Without hesitation, he begins walking in the direction of the desk, myself following behind him as quick as I can. His long legs seem to carry him much faster than my own short ones. Finally we arrive at the reception desk, the curly headed man making it first.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The receptionist asks, her eyes quickly scanning is before darting back to the computer in front of her.

I open my mouth to speak but Ashton cuts in.

"We're here to see Lucas Hemmings. We're unsure what room he's in, or what's even happened." I notice Ashton fidgeting as he speaks, which is a new sight. He's usually quite collected, but today was different.

"What are your names?" The receptionist asks, grabbing a pen from a cup on her desk.

"I'm Ashton, and this is Ava." Ashton speaks for the pair of us again, and I'm quite thankful. I'm not so sure my voice would allow for much at the moment. I watch as the receptionist scribbles our names down, then hands us both stickers with the hospital name, and our names on them.

"Wear those on your shirts please," the woman starts, gesturing towards her own shirt, "Currently, Mr. Hemmings is in surgery. He'll be placed in room 301 when he's out, but he may be moved to different room." The woman pauses, typing away at her computer. "You two can wait over there if you'd like. I'll inform the surgeon your waiting and he'll be with you as soon as possible." She motions her hand towards a small waiting area.

I blinked at the receptionist, taking in what she had said. My thoughts began to wonder, but the sound of Ashton clearing his throat pulls me back to reality.

"Thank you for your help." I quickly respond to the woman a moment too late before walking away. I quickly sit myself in the nearest chair in the waiting area. My mind races once again and my thoughts take a dark turn, leading me into a spiral of what if's.

"I'm sure he'll be okay, Luke's a strong lad." I hear Ashton's voice and I nod my head, a tear falling onto my hand. I hadn't even realized I was crying.

I think what hurt the most, was not knowing what had happened to him. Why was he here? Why did he need surgery? Why was all of this happening?

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