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As I'm finishing tidying the living room, there's a knock on the door and it startles me, causing me to drop the book I was holding. I hesitantly pick up the book and place it back onto the shelf, walking towards the door.

Mom told me I really shouldn't open the door when I don't know who's outside, but it's rude to ignore someone, isn't it? I decide I shouldn't leave the person waiting much longer, and  I pull open the door and am met with my neighbor.

"Oh hello Mr.Hemmings! My mom isn't home right now, did you need something?" I question, putting on a sheepish smile. I can feel a blush cover my cheeks as the man flashes me a grin.

His eyes linger on my face for a moment before scanning down my body. My cheeks redden as I remember in dressed in my pajamas, and it's only 4pm. My arms instinctively wrap around my own waist, hoping to cover myself.  Mr.Hemings finally speaks, "Please, call me Luke." He flashes me a devilish grin and I return the gesture, though my smile is more innocent.

"Did you need something, Luke?" I repeat the question I asked previous, using his name this time. "Oh! Yeah, your mother called me and asked me to check on you. She said you weren't answering her calls." He says, running his fingers through his blonde locks of hair.

I find myself staring at him, drowning what he's saying out. I was mesmerized by the look of his pale blue eyes and his blonde hair, something about him was very captivating. I couldn't seem to look away, finally I heard his voice again, and it seemed I missed apart of the conversation.

"I should be going though." Luke finally says, causing me to snap back to reality. "Oh alright." I smile shyly, averting my eyes from his beautiful blue ones. I could get lost in them.

"Your mother said she would be home very late tonight, I just wanted to let you know. If you need anything I'll just be across the street." Luke flashes me a smile, motioning towards his house. I follow his hand movements then look back at his face. His smile seemed to turn to a smirk for a moment. I nod softly, "Thank you Mr.Hem-Luke, I mean. Thank you." My cheeks flush red, embarrassed by my small mess up.

"No problem, Ava." He says sweetly, his coming out softly. We say our goodbyes and He leaves. I quickly shut the door after Luke walks away, leaving me by myself again.

I just myself for the rest of the night, cleaning up the house, watching television, doing most things a girl my age would.

It's nearly midnight now and my mother isn't home yet. I've tried staying up until she returns, but I've found myself becoming tired and I don't think I can fight sleep any longer. I crawl into bed, taking a few minutes to look through my phone. I have a few messages from Elsa, but nothing from my mother. I suppose things at the hospital must have been rather busy tonight, I just hope my mother is okay.

I place my phone down on my nightstand after connecting the charger and pull my blanket onto myself, sinking into my comfy bed. After just a moment I find myself drifting to sleep, no longer able to right the urge.

Something startled me in my dream, but it seemed a bit realistic.

"Ava." I hear a voice whisper but I don't move, maybe it's just a part of my dream.

"Ava!" The voice shouts and I jolt awake. My eyes brows knit together as I yawn.

I finally open my eyes and realize my mother is stood before me.

"Ava, I'm home. I'm sorry, there was an emergency at the hospital and I just got off." My mother says and I nod.

I glance over at my alarm clock and realize what time it is. It's nearly 3am.

"I'm going to get some sleep. I love you." My mother says before exiting my room. After she leaves, I find myself unable to fall back asleep.

I sigh and grab my phone from my nightstand, scrolling through Instagram to pass the time. After a few minutes of mindless scrolling, I check my notifications and my eyes brows furrow. I see a new follow request.

@Luke.Hemmings has requested to follow you.

Why in the world would he be requesting to follow me? Isn't he like 30 years old. I roll my eyes and click the request, viewing his page. I scroll through his photos for a moment and find myself deep in his page. I will admit, Luke is a very pretty man, But he's a lot older than me.

I finally decide to accept his follow request and follow him back as well. After doing this, I sit my phone back on my table and decide to get something to drink and some fresh air. I make my way down to the kitchen and pour myself a glass of juice, taking a small sip.

With my cup in hand, I make my way out to the porch and sit down in one of the chairs, tucking my legs beneath myself.

I look up at the moon and admire it's beauty. I've always loved the Moon. It's so comforting and pretty, I mean, who wouldn't love that?  I glance around my surroundings, finding my eyes drift to Luke's house and realize he's sat on his porch too.  I offer him a small wave, unsure if he's even able to spot me.

I find myself staring at him, even from this distance I can make out his lovely features. My eyes drift to his lips and I realize he's got a cigarette placed between them. I scrunch up my nose at the though, cigarettes are disgusting and a bad habit, why would someone like him smoke?  My friend, Elsa, smokes them, but that's just because she likes to be rebellious.  I soon find myself lost in my thoughts until a figure appears in front of my, startling me.

"Don't be scared, Babe. It's just me." I quickly recognize Luke's voice and my nerves calm. "What are you doing over here?" I whisper.

"You looked lonely." He replies, a smile creeping onto his pink lips. "I'm just having some juice and enjoying the view." I mutter, gesturing toward the night sky with my hand. I take notice of the smoke coming from the toxic thing held between his fingers.

Luke sits beside me on my porch, continuing to smoke his cigarette. "Want a drag?" he offers and I quickly shake my head no.  A chuckle falls from his lips and he shakes his head.

"So you really are a good girl, aren't you?" He questions in a sarcastic tone. His tone throws me off a bit, but I reply nonetheless "Yes sir, I am." I state simply.

"I thought so." He flashes me a boyish smile, his eyes glowing in the moonlight. I roll my eyes, slightly put off by his attitude and odd question.

"Hey, don't roll your eyes. That's not very nice, is it?" He teases and I shake my head no. "Sorry." I breathe out.

"I should be getting back home, wouldn't want your mother catching me over here, would we?" Luke says, standing to his feet.

I feel a bit confused by his statement. We aren't doing anything wrong, are we? Why would my mother be upset to see me sitting with Luke?

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