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I give Luke a wave and rush into the building, grabbing my books from my locker. I glance over and see Elsa approaching me, Rose by her side.

"Hey, Where were you yesterday?" Elsa questions, furrowing her eyebrows. "Oh I wasn't home." I brush off her question, not waiting to tell her I stayed with Luke. I'd hate to slip up and tell her about sleeping in his bed with him, or our interaction in the car just moments ago.

"Oh," I catch her rolling her eyes but I decide to let it go, "Well, Rose and I are throwing a party at her house since her parents are out of town."

I nod at this. I wasn't a big fan of parties, I'd never been to one before but I've seen plenty on television and movies.

"You can come if you want, there will be alcohol and college boys! It'll be tons of fun." Rose interjects and Elsa snorts, a snicker exposing her lipstick covered lips. "Yeah right, Ava doesn't go to parties." Elsa snorts and I frown at this.

"I'll be there." I say bravely and I swear Elsa's jaw drops. Rose gives her an odd look and Elsa quickly fixes her face, putting her bad girl facade back on. "Well, I guess I'll see you there Ava. I can drive you if you want." Elsa offers and I shake my head.

"Just text me the address. I can walk." I pull out my notebook and scribble my number down, handing it to Rose. She takes the sheet of paper just as the bell rings.

"See you guys later." I wave and make my way to class, praying my teacher doesn't say anything about my tardiness. I don't know what came over me back there, or why I was so brave. I would never go to a party like that, my mother would kill me. She says alcohol and drugs can ruin your life. She also wouldn't want me hanging out with college boys. I shake my head as I enter my math class.

"Lovely of you to join us, Ava." My teacher snaps and I close the door.

"Sorry," I mutter and I head a few people snicker.

"Have a seat Ava, let's get back to the lesson."

The beginning half of the day goes by painfully slowly, now I'm sat in English class, waiting for lunch period. I find myself growing hungry and let out a huff. Today, we're having a free reading day, because the teacher is gone, and someone else is watching our class. This basically means we have free time, but we need to either read a book or work on homework from other classes.

I've just been doodling all hour, I can't be bothered to read a book, and I don't have any homework so far. I hear my phone vibrate in my bag and sneakily retrieve it, making sure to not get caught by the substitute teacher.  I find an odd text message and my eyebrows knit together as I read it.

Hey baby, how's school going?

Who is this??

It's Luke, babe. Don't get caught with your phone. ;)

I roll my eyes at his text message and type out a response quickly, glancing up at the substitute teacher to make sure he's not watching.

Dont worry, being careful. I'm hungry and bored :((

I glance back up and see the substitute's eyes glued onto my phone.

"Miss, bring me your phone please. I explicitly said not to be on your phones during this period." The substitute scolds. I glance at the white board, searching for where he wrote his name.

"Yes, Mr. Clifford." I shyly get up from my seat and fix my school skirt before walking to his desk.

"You can have it back after class." Mr. Clifford gives me a smirk, snatching my phone from my hand and placing it in his drawer.

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