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Today is Saturday, meaning Luke has to go to work for most of the day. I've started noticing his routine, during the week he's mostly free, but Saturday seems to be his busiest day.

Luckily, Luke is allowing me to trail along with him to work, so I won't be so lonely. I texted Elsa to hang out, but she said her and Rose were going out and she wanted to be alone with Rose. I completely understand, but I'd like to hang out with her occasionally like we used to.

Once at the bar, the music seems to boom louder the usual, and many people are inside, chatting away and having a drink. Even a few men are playing pool together.

"Go sit at the bar and chat with Ashton, I've got some things to take care of." Luke says, speaking loudly so I can hear him over the music. "Yes sir." I smile up at him, kissing him on the cheek. I hear the bar and sit on one of the stools, waving my hand at Ashton. "Hi Ash!" I smile up at him.

The honey haired man turns around, giving me a cheeky smile. "Hey! There's the lovely bird." He shouts and I nod. Ashton reaches behind the counter, grabbing something then placing it on the counter. "Got ya a strawberry soda." He nudges the bottle towards me and I take it. "Awe, thank you!" I blush slightly at the kind gesture, "I really appreciate it."

I sit at the bar for quite a while, chatting with Ashton and sipping on my soda. I've got to say, Ashton is a really nice man, I'm beginning to wonder if he's got a girlfriend, because he seems genuinely kind. We continue to chat for a while, as the bar seems to fill with people, Ashton leaves me by myself while he serves others their drinks.

I haven't seen Luke much since we arrived, but that's alright. I know he's quite busy and needs his space for a while. I find myself getting bored, Ashton busy and the bar filled with men and women and I don't know and I don't care to socialize with. It's a bit stressful to deal with all of the loud sounds, but I'm managing to cope with it alright.

Finally, I get tired of being bored and make my way to Luke's office in the back hallway. Without knocking, I push opened the door and see something a bit shocking. Luke is sat at his desk with a woman with long black hair and lipstick in the seat across him.

The woman looks up at me, a devilish smirk placed on her lips. "Oh, sorry." I say in a hushed tone, glancing between Luke and the woman. Luke opens his mouth to speak, but the woman cuts in.

"Don't be," a smirk still plays on her stained lips as she speaks, "you must be Ava." I tilt my head, my eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. How does this woman know my name? I'm sure I've never met her before. I glance back over at Luke to see him running his fingers through in blonde hair. "He..hello." I stutter out, becoming a bit flustered, and not in a good ways

"I'm Olivia," she comments, her eyes drifting to Luke, "Luke's wife." I feel my face go pale. This cannot be happening. I've kissed Luke, I've done naughty things with him! I trusted him.

I feel quite embarrassed, if I knew Luke was a married man, I would've never done those things with him. I would've pushed my feelings down and moved on. How could I have been so stupid. Without saying a word, I rush out of the room, slamming the door behind me. I can't seem to stop myself, I rush past the bar and out the door without a second thought.

"Ava, bird! Where are you going?" I hear Ashton shout behind me but I continue to run. Soon, I find myself down the block, near a few shops and restaurants. At the moment, I stop and catch my breath. Once I've calmed down a bit, I took around. I'm in a town, nearly 30 minutes away from home that I've only been to a handful of times.

Maybe I should call Elsa, I'm sure her and Rose would be willing to pick me up. I don't even want to think about calling Luke. I still feel incredibly stupid for letting our relationship get this far, if you could even call it that. I pull my phone from my pocket, only to realize it's dead, as I forgot to charge it last night and I was at the bar for a few hours. I groan passed my lips as I shove my phone back into my pocket.

I continue walking, looking for a spot to sit down and rest for a while. I walk for nearly 15 minutes, until I near a park.

A few children are playing on the swings, their mothers sitting on benches. Even a few fathers, watching their children play with others. As I hear the park, I spot an empty bench and sit down, taking a moment to run my fingers through my now tangled hair. I watch the young children play for a while. I'm quite envious of them if I'm honest, they're so carefree. They've got someone to take care of them and love them unconditionally. I've always wanted that.

I know my mother loves me, but she's been harsh with her parenting, and now she's gone away for a while. I had Luke, but it was just a dream. It was something I seem to have thought was more than it was. A sigh escapes my lips, as I watch the clouds become dark as the sun begins to set. I shiver slightly as the November wind chills me.

"Cold?" I voice says, startling me. I glance over and see a man sitting beside me, his brown curly hair pushed back. "No, I'm alright." I answer quietly.

"You know, you've been here quite a while," the stranger's British accent rings in my ear, "could give you a ride home, if you need."I suddenly feel annoyed by this man, wondering why he's bothering me. "My mother told me not to speak to strangers, especially men." I say coldly, wrapping my arms around myself in an attempt to keep warm.

"Suit yourself then, it's getting dark. You should get home, love." The man says, standing to his feet. "Darcy, let's go!" The man calls and a young girl runs towards him from the swings, her brown curls matching his. The stranger picks up the little girl, she can't be older than four years old.

"Did you have fun?" He says to the girl, cooing at her. "Yes, daddy!" The child squeals. I watch the stranger walk away with his daughter, getting her into his vehicle. "Wait!" I shout just as the man gets into his car. The man looks up at me as I approach.

"I'd like that ride please."

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