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Today's the day, thanksgiving. My mother and I spent all day cooking yesterday, Charles even helped which was nice. I don't typically like men, but Charles is kind and funny, I can see why my mother fell for him. I'm just glad she's happy. We set all of the food on the table, positioning it in a pleasing way. Once all of the food is sat out, I sit the plates on the table, my mother's next to Charle's and mine next to Luke's.

"This looks lovely." My mother smiles, admiring our work.

"It sure does." I boast, a smile covering my lips.

Charles enters the dining room.

"Wow ladies, this looks amazing!" Charles booms and my mother and I smile.

"Thank you dear," my mother kissed Charles' cheek, "couldn't have done it without my helper." My mother hugs my shoulder.

The three of us enter the living room, my mother turning to me before she speaks.

"Why don't you go fetch Luke, then we can eat." My mother smiles.

"Of course, let me go change first!" I smile, skipping up the stairs to my room.

Once inside, I rummage through my wardrobe, looking for an outfit. I decide on a black skirt and a burgundy sweater. I take off my current outfit and slip the one I've chosen on. I rush down the stairs, coming face to face with my mother again.

"I'll be back!" I announce, slipping my shoes on.

I push opened the front door and the wind chills my bones. Without further ado, I walk across the street, ending up on Luke's porch. My hand raises and I knock on the door, waiting for him to answer. After a moment, the door opens and Luke appears. A gasp comes from his lips as his eyes scan my appearance.

"Baby, you look lovely." Luke says, biting his lip. I feel my cheeks tint red at his kind words. I feel so attention deprived, and it's only been a few days.

"Let's get going, yeah?" He nods towards my house.

"Mhm," I hum, looking at him now. He's dressed in a black button up shirt, and black skinny jeans. He looks very attractive today.

"Hey Luke?" I whisper softly as we walk, peering up at him through my eyelashes.

"Yes baby?" He glances down at me.

"Daddy, I touched myself today." My response barely comes out as a whisper, but I know he heard me. I watch as his cheeks flare red, and he bites his lip. I suddenly feel his hand come in contact with my bum, making me jump slightly.

"Don't touch yourself without daddy." His tone is very demanding as he gives my bum another smack. By the time we reach my front door, my cheeks are flushed red, along with my bum I'm sure. Luke's very strong, and he didn't seem to hold back while smacking my bum a few times. I push opened the front door and walk inside, Luke trailing behind me.

"Oh, hello Luke!" My mother greets Luke, flashing him a smile.

"Hello, Mrs. Everly." Luke greets my mother, returning the smile.

"Please, I've told you to call me Amber!" My mother let's out a laugh, then Charles comes into view behind her.

"Who's this? Ava's boyfriend?" Charles questions, oblivious.

My mother let's out a chuckle and shakes her head no, "this is Luke, he's been watching Ava while I've been away." My mother boasts, "he's been a lot of help." I glance up at Luke to see a proud smile on his face, along with a tint of pink on his cheeks.

"It's really no problem." A chuckle erupts from Luke's chest.

"I'm sorry!" Charles chuckles now, "that was a bit inappropriate of me to ask."

"Nonsense!" My mother exclaims, "Luke is an attractive young man, I wouldn't be surprised if my little Ava had a crush on him." My mother teases me, nudging me. Now my cheeks flush pink.

"Mom!" I defend, covering my face with my hands.

"Oh honey, don't be shy." My mother scolds, pulling my hands from my face. My cheeks are still heated.

"Let's eat!" I interject, hoping to change the subject.

I rush over to the table, sitting down in the sit I assigned myself.

"Where am I sitting?" Luke says, my mother and Charles trailing behind him.

"Oh darling, you're sitting by Ava." My mother says, sending a wink my way. I sink down a bit in my seat, feeling shy again.

Somethings changed about my mother, she seems more carefree, which I don't mind. I guess finding Charles helped her find herself again. My mother used to be very kind, carefree, and calm. When my father left us, my mother was very strict and stressed. It's nice to see her this way, but it's caught me off guard.

Luke chuckles again, taking his seat aside me. My mother and Charles sit across from us.

"This looks lovely." Luke announces, motioning toward the food. We all begin putting food on the table and chatter erupts throughout the table. This is nice.

The night ends with everyone eating too much food, and my mother and Charles on the couch. I'm currently doing some of the dishes, so my mother is able to relax while she's home. I dry off the last plate, putting it in the cabinet.

"Hey, pretty girl." Luke mutters, coming up behind me.

His places a soft kiss on my shoulder, leaning against me. I love getting affection from Luke, it makes me feel whole, wanted, needed.

"Luke, my mother is in the living room." I giggle, turning to face him.

"Luke, could I speak with you?" I hear my mother's voice from the living room and bite my lip.

Luke disappears into the living room and I'm left alone in the kitchen. I hear my mother talking with Luke, and I try to fight the urge to listen in on their conversation, but I cannot help myself.

"Luke, I see the way you look at my daughter." My mother whispers, speaking to Luke.

"Amber, I promise it's not–." Luke tries to talk but my mother cuts him off.

"Don't deny it, I can see it." My mother pauses for a moment, "she's fragile, you've got to care for her. It's all or nothing."

"I understand, Amber, I would never hurt her." Luke whispers.

"I haven't told Ava yet, Luke, but I'm thinking of moving to California permanently."

What? Why wouldn't she tell me that? How could she leave me like that? I know she said she wanted to get married in California, but she didn't say anything about staying permanently. My heart breaks a bit as I listen in as they continue to whisper, but I can't seem to hear what they're saying anymore.

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