Chapter 36: Beyond Dispute

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Markus woke from his sleep due to the electrocution of the stun gun and noticed that he cannot move from his seat.

"What's going on?" He muttered.

He was tightly wrapped on the chair using duct tape facing a computer set with a big monitor. He tried to shake the wrap, but he cannot get off it. He scanned the room and saw another monitor was lighted up on the opposite side of the lane, facing his unit. He took his gaze on the other lighted area in the room, the counter.

"Just as I thought, you're part of it..." he cannot believe what he's seeing but a familiar person sat on the counter touching the virtual glasses hanging on his neck. He tried to make his voice loud and said "...Louige-ni-san" but instead, a remorseful voice came out.

"I'm so sorry, Markus. I was dragged into a pinch. How I wish I can do this without dragging you with me, did you know I was behind all this?" Louige tried to wash his hands off but he knows he cannot fool Markus.

"How, you ask? Because I have the access, right? I knew something's off, I just can't blurt it right away without seeing proof that is why I played along."

"Since when?" Louige asked.

"Since my last night at Orion." Markus blatantly said. "Phantom 1.0 should have eradicated the intrusion in the System but instead, it still made its way in."

Louige felt a heavy load in his chest and looked remotely at the kid.

"I could never imagine that happening because I know what my program can do. It's true I haven't found out who the real culprit is but I knew you were up to something. Thus, I made my way out of the building and tried to resolve the other issue. That code we both saw from the hacker's letter."

"I never doubted you," Louige replied with a coarse voice. "I know you can find this lair and--"

"I know you've got your own reasons. Even so, I got this, I'll finish this quick, Louige-nii-san." Markus declared.

"That's great..." the hacker said, sounding concerned. "...but, you cannot win this game, Markus. Because, this game was made for you to lose!" he laughed.

An android came near Markus and put on his headgear. The gear was the latest edition of ORION's headgears for 3D gaming, the Gaea. It has 3 ports where one will be connected to the source of electricity, the other will be connected to the computer set, and the other for special devices.

When the gear was already placed on his head, a voice gave him instructions. The gear scanned his brain to use his image in the game as an avatar. An infrared light scanned him and he saw himself as his avatar, ready to be sent inside the game.

"I never thought you will step into this means just to defeat me." He said to the hacker though he lost track of his surrounding since he's looking at the virtual world.

"I have my own reasons aside from beating you up, kid!" the hacker replied.

"You were right. I have seen many stuff, info about this farce. But, I cannot let you do your will."

"And I won't let you either." He stood on his chair to see the struggling face of his opponent, though it is half-covered by the gear. "This is where you will lose, Markus." He eyed Markus, now with a smug on his face.

"I will not let you have your way, Kirk!" Markus replied with his brows crossed.

"Hahaha!, Don't be ridiculous,, before the game had started, you're already on the losing side. Now, let's start this crap!"

Kirk hit a key on the keyboard and static was heard on every speaker of the computer units inside the cafe. A flow of electricity suddenly manifests on the cables and a few wires had sparked. A moment later, Markus felt that everyone inside the cafe, including Louige, fell from where they are to the floor except for him and Kirk.

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