Chapter 7: The Making of a Hacker 1.4

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Ned was working overtime for his employer's hardware whose deadline is in the next 2 days. He had been fixing sets of PCB drives day in and day out and was stressed out from the pressure he's been at for 3 straight days and nights now. His face is greased, his hair never touched water for days, and his eyes carries a heavy baggage.

"I can't sleep just yet. Get along with it self!" he cheered himself as he lift his soldering iron and went on the fix.

His garage is his shop and it was still wide open. He was about to connect a resistor when he heard someone, crying for help.

"Anyone there? Please help us out!" the kids shouted.

"Aishh, help us out!" Ned was startled that he spill his etching fluid on his PCB board. He lost his mind, he was frustrated on a damaged item.

"Uncle Ned!!" Ned heard the call again.

"Is that Ken?" Ned whispered to himself. He rushed outside to see what's happening and then he saw the three kids, all beaten up.

"Oi, you kids... it's already late, why are you still out there--" Ned said but he choked himself when he saw who the kids are carrying on their shoulders.

"Markus?... Markus, is that Markus?!" He skipped a beat and rushed to them and took the unconscious child from the children's shoulders. He brought him inside his receiving area (office) and placed him on his couch. "What happened?" his voice fumbled. He wiped the kid's face and saw his complexion turning pale.

The two kids were filled with distress that they ran out of air to even speak.

Ken and Brent fall to the floor and sat like they've run for miles.

"Sorry to barge in like this, uncle Ned." Ken finally spoke. "He fell unconscious at the crossing and we can't find anyone for help since the houses were all lock and dark."

Ned saw how scared the two kids are so he immediately tried to change the atmosphere. "Good thing you found my shop." He went to his cupboard and took out a first aid kit.

"Yeah." Brent said. "We took the right turn and saw your shot still wide open."

"Is he going to be alright?" Ken asked.

"He's still breathing so don't worry." Ned jokingly said. "Anyways, you two needs to dress those wounds. Can you wash them inside as I tend to this little guy first?" he added.

"Hai." The two replied.

"I'm calling you're parents to pick you up." Ned exclaimed.

"How did you know our home's numbers?" Ken stopped and turned to face Ned.

"C'mon." Ned took out an alcohol and clicked it open. "We're on the same neighborhood. I've sent calling cards to everyone here and they knew they need my services so people get in touch." he explained.

"Ohhh.. I see." Ken nodded and went inside to clean his wounds.

When they've come out from washing themselves, Markus had already changed clothes and Ned was dressing his wound on his side.

"Thanks for taking care of him, uncle Ned." Brent said.

"It's no big deal. His mom asked me to take care of him." Ned replied. "Take a seat here and let me see your wounds."

The two silently obeyed Ned and sat beside the sleeping Markus. Ned dressed their wounds and asked, "So, what happened?"

"Hehe, we have gotten ourselves into a fight..." Ken said shyly.

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