Chapter 21: A Heavy Heart

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"..hh..hh..(sneeze).." the kid cried " Mom..."

Louige saw the crying kid curling on the bench, all trembling in fear. He looked around for the teacher but he can't catch sight of it. He went around the bench and brought the kid to his arms. He placed his head on his shoulder.

"Hey kid? Are you alright?" Louige asked. But, Markus just kept sobbing, " You are cold all over your body. Are you having a panic attack?"

Markus did not respond.

"Wait a sec, I'll bring you to the clinic." Louige whispered and rushed to the elevator. "Keep it open!" He exclaimed when he saw the door starting to close.

The employees inside immediately hit the button and waited for him to enter the lift.

"Mr. Louige.." an employee said. "Who's that kid?"

The three employees inside exchanged bewildered looks. <Why is the President's Secretary carrying a kid in his arms?> they all thought.

"Hurry up and hit the button to the Clinic's floor," Louige answered sharply.

They immediately looked away and one of them pushed the 3rd button. The elevator started to go up and the air felt awkward.


The elevator opened and some employees waiting outside the door felt shocked when they saw the Boss' secretary holding a kid in his arms. They immediately stepped aside and let him pass as he walk like no one's in front.

"What was that about?" the employees murmured as the elevator closed.

Louige instantly approached the counter and the nurse felt inept.

"What can I help you, sir?" the nurse asked.

"Go get him a doctor, fast!" Louige urgently replied. He looked around and placed he kid on a bed near the window, facing north. "It's alright, you'll be fine."

The doctor immediately approached them and checked on Markus with his watch.

A light scanned the kid and the results immediately flashed like a holographic screen.

"There's nothing wrong with him." the doctor replied. "Except for his brain waves having an anomaly."

"I guess he's having a panic attack," Louige replied. He reached his phone from his breast pocket and dialed a number. "Give him an anti-depressant immediately..." he said to the doctor.

The nurses immediately prepared for the shot and the doctor turned to Louige and said,

"Who's this kid, Mr. Louige?" the doctor asked.

"It doesn't matter, just treat him immediately..." He turned around and placed the phone on his ear.


"Yes, have you forgotten something, Louige-kun? Make sure it is an important matter, I'm about to get inside the plane. I just answered it because it was your call." Reiko said shouting to make himself heard. The machines of their ride is giving a loud noise.

"Hai... it's very important, Sir..."

"What was it?"

"Markus is..."

Louige told him what happened and Reiko felt all the strength on his legs draining.

He turned his back away from the entrance and all of the attendants were confused and worried of what is happening.

"Reschedule my meeting and postpone my flight." He said to one of his employees. "I've got something more important to attend to."

"But sir?! The plane's about to take off, you won't arrive on time if you leave now." his attendant insisted, bewildered of what to do. His hands are shaking. It was his first time to do the secretarial work with the boss' bad mood.

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