Chapter 20: Salt in the Wound

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Time flew like a bee and the day of the field trip came and everyone came early to school to assemble with everyone.

"Ahhh.. Good morning!"

"Good morning."

"I haven't slept well."

"Guess you're excited. Haha"

"Who won't be excited?!"

The sky was crimson and the wind was cold. The school bus came and parked in front of the gym where students slowly gathered while waiting for the teachers to arrive and made the call to ride the bus. It's a normal yellow school bus but with LCD's on the body where animations and advertisements flash like a screen saver.

Everyone was staring at the Ad and looking around the school while it's still dusk. They all brought what they can bring on a field trip and everyone was excited except for one person.

Markus sat on a stair at the left side entrance of the gym and Dave and Cassandra stood in front of him, worriedly sick of what this trip might bring to their friend. They turned their back and talked in a whisper.

"Hey Cass, how did he manage to make that waiver signed?" Dave asked..

"I dunno. I thought he won't be coming today."

"I thought so, too. He might be anxious about everything now." Cass slowly turned around to see Markus and she kept staring.

"I know." Cassandra pulled Dave's hem. "I can see it on his face. We should cheer him up and made him get over this trip."


The teacher came and gestures them to enter the bus. The class followed the lead and boarded the bus. When everyone was inside, the whole system came to life.

"Welcome to Hammer 74, our destination for today is Orion. Fasten your seat belts and behave on your seats. Thank you and have a good day." the program greeted and that cued the engine to start.

The bus was AI-infused and driven by the same program. The admin will just enter the destination and they will arrive there in no time.

"This bus is one of Orion's donations to our school. Not just on ours' but to all the schools in Aurum. Isn't it very convenient?" the teacher announced through the audio system.

She stood in the front with the bus entrance behind her. She wore her usual back tights and strict demeanor.

"You've read the rules when we get there at Orion and we've talked about it in Homeroom class so better behave yourselves, especially you, Markus." she glared at the poor kid sitting at the farthest back of the bus. Dave and Cassandra sat on each side.

Everyone looked in their direction with stern gazes that created a cold environment.

Cassandra held Markus' hand and she felt it turning cold like ice.

Bon made mean faces, mocking them from his seat near the entrance of the bus, and Dave felt irritated.

"Don't worry Markus. We're here. We won't leave your side."

Markus remained silent.

The ride continued and when the sky turned yellow, the gates of Orion appeared in front of them.

They all opened their windows and saw the beauty the company can offer from their entrance.

A huge fountain that sprouts Nanomachines programmed to the light of different colors stood just behind the gate. Holograms of pines and green grass spread across the wide front of the company. Drones flew above arranging themselves as sentences to greet the visitors. Everyone was mesmerized by the greatest company there is in their city. One of the founders of the new earth, the Orion.

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