Chapter 25: der Schlüssel

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"Hack Neo-N? ARE YOU INSANE?!" Louige said on top of his voice. Louige was so shocked that he almost dropped the cup he's holding.

He knew something was off and he was about to do what he did before. Something that he doesn't want to see again. But, that moment of hesitation made him realized that what Markus was thinking is their only option at the time being, though he is still against it and his scorn face calmed down.

"You think you can get through their system smoothly? I mean, They are the second next to ORION on having the fastest Internet speed and of course the strongest firewalls and anti-hacking systems! Just so you be reminded." Louige stepped towards the kid as he points out things for the kid to understand. "You can't just knock into their gates and hack their system and expect them to let you in." he reasoned with a glare. "They are built that way since they specialize in outer connections and space studies involving researches in space to cultivate another energy source for the new earth, of course, they will be that hard to crack." he stopped right in front of the kid with his brows almost touching Markus' forehead.

The kid didn't move, and instead, he said, "I know that they are on the next level and they are second next to ORION, they're Neo-N of course but didn't you forget Louige-Ni-san, I have entered the realm of the First before?" Markus replied with a smug face.

Louige was stunned for a moment, trying to find the right words to continue. But, he lost all hope and placed his bet on the kid.

"Ahh, I'm sorry." the worn-out man rubbed his forehead and took a sigh. "So, how are you going to do that again?" Louige coughed from choking himself.

"First, I need you to connect me to all of the ORION servers." Markus turned to his monitor and started hitting keys "...I mean all of the satellites lurking 'round the globe... Micro, nano, pico... All the available satellites that Orion has connections with." He took a cookie from the box near him.

"Do what he says..." Louige said to his men and they followed. He took a seat near Markus and listened to the kid.

"Next, I will connect all the programs in the ORION system and make an access pass, the Hecate. You have one, right? You're the only company with that silver ticket with a horse and a torch at the back to access their system outside the Neo-N base just by scanning it on their system."

"How did you know about that..?" Louige's eyes almost got out from its sockets. "that's a top-secret.."

"I know a lot of things. Let's just say it was part of the info I accessed 4 years ago..." Markus answered, rolling his eyes.

"Brat..." he formed a fist as Markus hit the nerve.

"Hehe, I already asked sorry for that... can't we just move on and forget about it? It's ancient history." Markus took a sip on his cup of coffee as if nothing had happened.

"I really don't know what to do with you, damn brat..." Louige just shook his head feeling so helpless.

" I was saying, for privacy purposes, I will make our own access pass resembling the authentic one you have. In other words, I will make us a fake. It will be a big mess if they knew that the system is being hacked by an outside source, right?"

Louige's face can't be drawn.

"But it will be much a bigger problem if they knew that the whole world wide web is being destroyed and even ORION can't put a stop on it." the kid said. "They will totally lock down the system, isolate themselves and it will be hard to finish what we've started if that happens." Markus continued chewing his cookie.

"Hai... I'm following..." he took a computer and hit some keys. Louige was focusing to help on what the kid is saying.

"Then after making the pass, I will enter the key," Markus said, not even twitching an eye.

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