Chapter 28: Bundle of Nerves

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In the midst of the commotion, the three dashed towards the nearest exit on the fire escape they spotted on the way fronting the stall from the computer shop they're in.

They opened the door and saw a staircase about 3 feet high going outside the building to an alley exiting to the highway. They went out and run towards the main street.

"You two alright?" Markus asked catching his breath, coughing to clear his throat after inhaling all the smoke from the explosion inside the building. He looked back and saw the panic engulfing and the whole mall area.

"Ahh,, somehow..." Cassandra answered, still catching her breath. She looked around and heard people screaming and wailing in shock.

"I'm fine, here." Dave added "...hardly breathing tho..." he leaned down, resting his hands on his knees. "But fine."

"That's good, then we have to get going." Marks said as he walked straight going west. "Looks like we have to hurry in getting the Phantom Algorithm at my house."

"But that was around 5 Zones away from here!" Cassandra said. "We can't just fly to Zone 11 in an instant."

"We don't have any other choice but to go, Cass." Marks replied. He grasped his collar to somehow ease his breathing. "That's my only chance to end all this."

"Anyway, let's just keep going. We're not having a valid argument here." Dave patted his friend's shoulders and faced the direction they're going. "We've agreed to help him out so we've got to find a way to get there somehow."

Markus looked up and sighed. He was trying to clear his mind and read what the enemy might be thinking in their situation. "I need to stop him somehow..." he said.

"You said you need your PA but how will that change our situation?" Cassandra muttered. She went to a light post and laid her back.

"I need to.... Think the way he does." Markus replied.

The two exchanged looks before staring at the kid. They all stopped walking.

"What? I don't understand, Marky." Dave raised his hand in question, like someone reciting in class.

"I mean, I will put myself in his shoes and think what my next move will be if I were him," Markus explained.

"Ahh... And then?" Cassandra added. "How will that help?"

"... as I was saying... after all he has done, maybe the next thing he will do is to control the humans..." Markus said.

"Ne, Marky? Have you hit your head?" Dave said. He went to check his friend's head and patted him all over his body. "You aren't hurt or anything, right?"

"That would be impossible even if you explain it with all your might." Cassandra rolled her eyes.

"No, I mean." Markus faced his friends and tried to make himself clear. He walked past and through his friends, saying, "First is the school explosion, next is the mall ruckus."

The two coined their eyes on him.

"If we escalate the matter, if he wants to cause a bigger scene, that would be by controlling the people in the city." Markus stopped between his friends and threw his arms on their necks.

"But, how will he control the human brain? Is that even possible? " Cassandra asked.

"It's simple ... he can probably do that if he will gain control on a massive transmitter and give a mass number of programmed waves," Markus explained. "Given his amount of control with the building in the city, it is not impossible if he controls a tower or two."

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