Chapter 32: They Like to Move It

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As if they have a bad mouth, Ken's worries came true.

Dragging footsteps echoed from the cabin next to them; growling animosities came slowly towards them.

Markus slowly turned around and he saw from the door connected to the rest of the cabins on the train, the people who are walking like zombies and were carrying a weapon, are approaching them.

"Androids." He muttered.

"Here they come," Ken said and Brent slightly curled behind him.

Markus folded his laptop and handed it to Brent. "Keep it safe. We'll buy you time," he said to his trembling friend. Brent looked like he had something to say but he was taken over with his fear.

"Hey, it's fine. We'll take care of them. You man the train." Markus picked his bat and slowly approached the door, peeking from the circular window, and saw their enemies walking towards them from the other cabin. He raised his guard in defense mode, locking their area.

"Don't worry Brent. We got your back. Just focus on driving there!" Ken exclaimed. He searched for something he can use as a weapon around the cabin. On the upper left shelf where boxes piled up, he saw a 4-foot long toolbox and immediately opened it, emptying it on the floor. Tools scattered around and he chose to pick what he thought to be the most effective weapon, a mallet. He picked a 2 feet long wooden mallet weighing about 3 kilograms and a pair of screwdrivers he placed on his belt.

"What was that look, Ken," Markus said. "Planning to be a construction worker on that attire?" he smirked.

"Shut up, Markus!" Ken complained. His face is turning peach. "As if I have a choice. You're just lucky you found a bat earlier that's why you don't look this lame. Tsk." he brought the mallet on his shoulder. "De, what are we waiting for?"

"Ahh, let's get this started." Markus nodded.

On that queue, Brent hit buttons and the train moved forward, starting slowly.

"Take care guys..." Brent said. The train started to traverse the dim tunnel, running faster. Blinking lights are their only source of direction since their map is not projecting the tunnel route.

"Just go at this pace and head straight towards west," Markus said, patting his friend's shoulder.

Ken opened the cabin door and the two of them stood in front of the door. The Androids raised their head and looked at them.

"Ahh, they kinda look weird," Ken muttered.

"I thought I was the only one who noticed," Markus said, twitching his lip. He had something in mind but he cannot put it into words, yet.

When the Chain Android stepped forward and aimed to attack them, Ken immediately dashed to hit him with his mallet on his arm and unarmed the enemy. The Android stumbled on his feet, knocking another behind him. He tried to strangle the Android with his own chain and tied him on the safety rail along with the other Android.

"That's two.." he whispered to himself.

At the same time, Markus attacked the Android who was holding a crowbar and his bat clashed with his weapon. They're like doing fencing at some point and Markus kinda liked the game until his hand throb with all the pressure he received from the clash. He stepped backward and hopped on a train seat.

"Come right here, idiot!" Markus exclaimed and the Crowbar Android went after him, hitting everything on the way, including a crawling Android with a scissor on her fingers. "Ohh, you just hit her unconscious," he said to his pursuer and went to another seat again.

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