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Lily's POV

2 YEARS 6 MONTHS - 1980

I was a complete mess of nerves and excitement; and it felt like I could throw up at any second... which I'm sure was because of the baby. But it was probably because I was marrying James today. Finally! It was the only thing I had been able to think about all day. And Delaney of course but she was with Sirius so I didn't have to worry about where she was every second. Marlene was just finishing my hair and makeup and it was now time to get in the dress. It hung on the wall to the left, and had been in my eyeline since entering the room. I was itching to put it on now, wanting to hurry up and marry James. Mar just laughed at me the whole time.

"Sit still, Lily! My gosh." Marlene let out a frustrated sigh as she pinned the last bit of my hair. I apologised and tried my hardest to sit still and stop my fidgeting. She sighed in relief and was able to finish off my hair. "There! Uh- I am amazing." She clapped her hands together and took a step back, admiring her work. I had no doubt she had done an amazing job. And I was right. As I turned and looked in the mirror, I smiled. She had outdone herself for sure and I was more than happy with the look. I squealed in delight and reached up to hug her. She seemed happy with my reaction and hugged me back. 'Come on, let's get the dress on now!"


After getting dressed into my wedding dress and making sure we had everything we needed, Marlene apparated us to mine and James house in Godric's Hollow. We had decided to hold our wedding in our back garden as we were unable to afford a big flashy wedding, and we mainly didn't want to draw attention to ourselves. It was currently the height of the Wizarding War, so the last thing we wanted was to alert someone that we were living here. Only a few people would be in attendance. Sirius was James' best man, Peter and Remus were in attendance as was Marlene and James' parents. And Delaney of course. I had invited my sister, Petunia and her husband, but I knew they would never show.

Once we appeared in the house, Delaney came running towards me, her dress still perfect of course. "Mama!" She squealed in excitement and happiness as Sirius picked her up and handed her over to me so I didn't have to bend down. She smiled at me. "You're a princess, mommy." She said and I smiled back at her. I guess today I was a princess. I nodded at her statement. "Yeah, baby. I guess I am." Sirius reached over and grabbed her again, placing her on her feet once more and she ran off to play with James' parents.

"Delaney was right. You do look like a princess; you look amazing, Lil." I beamed at Sirius' compliment and pulled him into a hug. As I was thanking him, Marlene came back over and informed me that they were ready to start the ceremony. James' was already in the back garden and I overheard Peter and Remus talking about the gazebo/tent they had put up. I smiled at their conversation as they walked past, going off to stand and be ready for the ceremony. Quiet music started pouring out of the small radio that was placed on a table, and Miss Delaney took her job as flower girl very seriously. She reached into her little basket of flower petals and sprinkled some on the path down the aisle and kept doing that until she reached James and Sirius. They both praised her and Sirius picked her up and held her on his hip.

And then it was my turn. I took a deep breath in and looked up, my eyes locking with James' the second I did. A big smile spread across my face as I noticed how happy and excited he looked. How filled with love he seemed. As I started walking down the aisle, I smiled at the few guests we did have, seeing they were just as excited to be here. Once I reached the end, James held his hand out to me and helped me come to a stop in front of him. "Hi.." He spoke quietly and I smiled softly. "Hey." The moment was short lived as Marlene cleared her throat. She had obtained a license and was officiating the wedding and of course, I wouldn't have it any different.

"We are gathered here today, to witness the marriage of Lily Evans and James Potter, both of whom are very much loved by everyone here. They have decided to speak a few of their own words before the traditional vows. So, James, take it away." I let out a small chuckle at the choice of wording but focused all my attention back on James. He cleared his throat. "There are three words that are stronger than I love you. Today I stand in front of you to say, 'I choose you'. I choose you over all others. I choose you to share happiness with. I choose you to care for. I choose you to have a family with. I choose you to grow with. I choose you to love forever." His words were so beautiful that I was crying basically the second he opened his mouth. I wiped the stray tears, praying that I had not messed up my makeup.

"Alright, Lily. It's your turn." I nodded at Mar and reached down and grabbed James' hand, knowing that I never wanted to let him go. "I promise to be a true and faithful partner, from this day forward, in all life's circumstances, as we face them together. In the joys and sorrows, the good times and bad, in sickness or in health, I will always be there for you, to comfort you, love you, honour and cherish you, now and forevermore." We were both crying at this point. Actually, I think everyone was. I chuckled slightly and reached up to wipe James' tears.

We repeated the normal traditional vows after Marlene and exchanged rings. I couldn't help the big and bright smile that I now had plastered on my face. Everything was absolutely perfect. "And so the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!" Marlene announced and James swooped right in and kissed me, our friends cheering on as we finalised our union.


they're married ahhhh

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