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Lily's POV 

2 YEARS - 1979

In the end it was I who made the ultimate sacrifice. I couldn't bare to take Delaney away from her father and as much as it pained me to not be with her all the time; I knew Sirius would take the utmost care of her. She was his babygirl afterall. James and I had moved to Godric's Hollow and had secured a cute little cottage that was hidden away. Althought it was quiet far from Grimmauld place, the ability to apparate cut that time into seconds. I spent most of my days with Delaney anyway whilst James was at work. He got a job at the Minsity of Magic, only doing mundane things like filing and paperwork at this point but it was better then nothing. Sirius was also away for the day, family issues apparently. One of his cousins had spilled the beans about Delaney so he went off to talk to them, not wanting them to come to the house or to even meet her. He was very protective and would rather she stay away from some of them... but I had a feeling she would seek them out over the course of her life anyway. 

"Remus! Can you please get Delaney? She's up from her nap." Oh and that was another thing. James and Sirius' other best friend Remus had moved into the Black Manor on Grimmauld Place. It was actually quiet intresting to watch him and Sirius practically raise a child. I could hear shuffling around on the third floor where Delaney's room was located and a few moment's later Remus entered the room carrying Laney. It was cute. Delaney loved her uncles so much and would always tell them. Remus was her new favourite person and I couldn't blame her. He was really good with her and always made sure to spend time with her. Today was her second birthday and jeez, time was going past. I had planned a little party for her with only Sirius, James, Remus and myself. That's all she needed at this point. There wasn't many kids she could hang out with and Delaney herself prefered our company anyway. 

"Where's daddy?" She asked Remus and he smiled at her as they entered the kitchen. She was always asking questions and coming up with new ways to be creative. She enjoyed drawing and watching us do magic. Delaney would clap and cheer if we used magic around the house. Her most exciting activity currently was forcing Sirius and James to shift into their animagus forms and give her rides around the house. It was a sight to see for sure. "Daddy has just gone out to do some things. He and Uncle James will be back in time for your party, dont you worry, princess." Remus said and placed her down on the floor. She wobbled for a moment before gaining her balance and walking over to her child-sized table to finish her drawing she was doing before her nap. I smiled at Remus and he nodded, heading over to the fridge to get a drink. I could tell he was tense, and we all knew why. There was a full moon coming. But Remus wouldn't let that feeling interfer with the party. He would be at his best for his 'princess'. Remus always called Del princess and she loved it. She was Sirius' 'babygirl' and daughter, but she was Remus' princess and James 'little padfoot'. I found it adorable that they all had little nicknames for her. She was an honourary member of the Mauraders for sure. 


i know it seems like it's moving fast but i have so much to get through and prefer to only write the important things. im trying to get this finished so i can start book three of the daughter of sirius black series. 

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