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Lily's POV

3 YEARS 6 MONTHS - 1981

"Happy anniversary, my love." James said as he entered the living room carrying a tray filled with cold meats and cheeses as well as two glasses of wine. I let out a happy laugh and reached forward to grab the glass as he placed them on the coffee table. He settled in beside me as I curled my legs up underneath myself and rested my head on his shoulder. He sighed and I sipped my wine, watching the fire dance in the fireplace. "Happy anniversary, James."

We sat on the couch, just enjoying the quiet. Delaney had been with Sirius for the week but he and Remus had offered to take Harry for the night as well. It was extremely sweet of them, I was a bit hesitant to leave Harry as I had been with him literally every day for the last nine months, but I trusted Sirius... He has done an amazing job raising Delaney, and we have worked out a good system with co-parenting. I missed both of my children greatly, but tonight was just about James and I. There was so much going on right now; everything that's happening with the Wizarding War, and the Dark Lord hunting down us and Harry... It was becoming a lot.

I still didn't understand why Voldemort was after my child, that man-- a power hungry, narcissist... Rolling my eyes, I downed the rest of my glass and let out a long sigh. James turned his head and looked down at me as I rested my head on his shoulder once more. "I hate this. All of it. The hiding, the running... Harry's in danger; Delaney is in the middle of it all. It's messed up." I voiced my thoughts before James could ask. He nodded his head and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. "I know, it's horrible. Let's not think about it tonight, okay? Tonight is about you and I. I will not let You-Kno-- Voldemort. I will not let Voldemort ruin this."


3 YEARS 9 MONTHS - 1981


"Happy birthday, Harry!" Delaney shouted, bounding into the kitchen with a bunch of hand-drawn pictures and cards for her brother's 1st birthday. She placed them on the table and he grabbed at them, putting them on the tray of his high chair. I peeked over my 1 year old's shoulder and looked at the drawings. One of them included what I thought looked like James, Harry, Delaney, Sirius, Remus and I and the other one included Dorcas and Peter as well. She had also made him a birthday card with a drawing of her and Harry on it. I looked up and smiled at Delaney. She beamed back and settled herself into her chair as I went back to preparing the cake.

James, Sirius and Remus filed into the kitchen, followed by Peter and Dorcas. James and I decided to invite them over for Harry's birthday as they had been here often since we were forced into hiding. I wished we could have had more, some other family members maybe, but with the War it was too risky. I was over it and wished we could go back to our normal lives. Harry had no clue, of course, He was only 1... Delaney understood a little more as she was older and very clever, but we tried not to talk about things concerning the War around her. I didn't want her exposed to that at such a young age.

Everyone took a seat around the table and Laney immediately climbed into Sirius lap and sat there, eyeing off the cake. I chuckled and lit the candles, placing the cake in front of Harry. He tried to reach for the candles but I swatted his hands away and we started singing happy birthday. He smiled and clapped along, giggling as Sirius made funny faces at him during the song. Delaney leant over and helped Harry blow out the candles and the rest of us cheered. "Happy birthday, baby." I said, leaning down to place a kiss on Harry's cheek. I grabbed the cake and started cutting it, distributing it between the group. Delaney let out a noise of excitement as she got her piece and dug right in.

As I sat to eat my piece, James caught my eye and winked. I knew what he was thinking. Today was a good day, a happy day, and a day we would cherish forever. Our baby was already a year old, time was flying and I couldn't wait for our future with him. I prayed the War would end soon.


we're on the home stretch now, readers! only three chapters to go if i follow my outline so prepare yourselves. if you've been following the timeline correctly, you know what comes next :(

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