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Lily's POV

Month 5

I looked around the nursery and smiled. It was nearly finished. I was happy about that. It meant that everything would be ready and prepared for when the baby arrived. I didn't want to be unprepared. That made me nervous. Sirius had some errands to run today. He offered me the decision to join him, but I decided to stay home and get some stuff done. I had finished the nursery, and now I was onto baby proofing the house. I didn't want her to set into a cupboards or fall down the staircases. I know that it would take her a while to start moving around, but I wanted everything to be done intime. For the staircases, I put a charm on it to block her from falling down then or crawling up them. Usually you buy these things called baby gates that are put up to stop the baby from falling down stairs or getting into rooms. However, being a witch meant I could use magic instead.

After I finished casting charms and spells around the house, finishing all the major tasks I had to complete, I ate some lunch and decided to clean up the rest of the house. I was cleaning for a while but had to stop because my feet and back were starting to hurt. I choose to read a book. Choosing a book from the wall in front of me was hard. There were so many to choose from. I grabbed a random book and sat down. I managed to read the whole thing in less then 3 hours. Sirius still wasn't home and it was nearly time for dinner. He and I both agreed that we didn't have any romantic feels for eachother and are just friends. I was still inlove with James. I don't even think we had feelings for eachother when the baby was convinced. Sure, we both care about eachother, but we don't love eachother. I put the book away and walked into the kitchen deciding that I was going to make him dinner for a change. He always made it. I needed to do something to thank him for letting me stay here.

I cooked some pasta and made a pasta bake with chicken. I didn't know when exactly he'd be home but I knew it was soon. I finished making the dinner and started plating and setting up the table. I heard the door open and close and I smiled. It's like he knew. "Lil..." He called out as I placed the food on the table. "In here!" I shouted and sat down. He walked into the kitchen and smiled. "What is all this?" He asked and I motioned for him to sit down. "I thought it should be my turn to cook. And it's also my way of saying thank you." I said.

Sirius looked down at his plate of food in front of him. "Thank you for what?" He asked. "Um, thank you for letting me stay here and take over. Thank you for helping me out and thank you for always coming with me to the doctors appointments. You are such a nice and caring person." I said and watched as he smiled. "You're welcome, Lily. And thank you. You didn't have to say that about me, you also didn't have to make dinner." He said. I shrugged. "I wanted to." I picked up my fork and knife and started cutting my chicken. "Eat up!"

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