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Lily's POV 

1 YEAR AND 9 MONTHS - 1978

"Why does this have to be so hard?" I sighed, handing Delaney her sippy cup as she sat on the living room floor playing with her toys and throwing books around. Sirius sat on the recliner chair, one leg crossed over the other as he sat and watched her. I placed myself in the chair opposite him and shrugged. He was dressed in a suit, his usual attire; at least most of the time. I noticed his hair was getting a little longer than he usually kept it, both of us too busy with our child to even properly take care of ourselves. Sirius looked at me and I rolled my eyes slightly, my red hair falling around my face as I lean forward. "What?" I questioned as he continued to look at me. He remained silent. "What? What is it? Spit it out!" Sirius raised hie eyebrows at me and even Delaney went quiet, stopping what she was doing to look at us. I smiled at her and she went back to playing. I guestured for Sirius to continue. 

"What do you want me to say? You're not taking my daughter away from me Lily, and thats final. I don't need to keep telling you!" He expressed, standing up from the couch and headed towards the kitchen. I groaned and stood up, following after him. He was annoyed. "Sirius, I'm not taking her away from you... It's just James and I are in a good place and I think it's wise that I move back in with him; I've overstayed my welcome here by a lot." I stated, going to finish the dishes I left earlier. It was mostly baby things. Sirius shook his head, sighing deeply. "WE are raising a child together! There is no such thing as overstaying in a position like this, Lily." He had a point. I continued to wash the bottles, placing them on the side of the sink so they'd dry. James had asked me to move back in with him. We started dating again not long after he invited Del and myself to breakfast. It had been roughly 3 month and everything just felt right. He was perfect; everything was normal again.... aside from the fact that I had an almost 2 year old child with his best friend. Delaney was the most brilliant child; super smart even now for her age, but she definietly proved to be a challenge. In more ways than one. I sighed, turning to face him once more. "I could never take her away from you. She's your little girl; I just don't know what to do, Sirius. This is all too complicated. There is no outcome that is going to make everyone happy." And that was the truth. Someone was going to have to make the ultimate sacrifice. 


a short little chapter! i'm trying to move through this book as quickly as possible... only writing the important issues. but will lily choose to take delaney or leave her with sirius? we shall see soon enough! 

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