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Lily's POV

Month 4

I rolled out of bed and got changed right away. I didn't wanna waste time today. I have a lot of things to do. First thing I had on my list was a doctors appointment. Sirius and I finally decided that we wanted to know the gender of our baby. We are both very excited and scared at the same time. After that we are going to do some shopping to buy clothes and other baby stuff as well as maternity clothes as all my clothes are getting to small for me. "Lily! Breakfast is ready." Sirius shouted from the bottom of the staircase. I walked down and sat at the table, eating the breakfast Sirius prepared. I felt kind of slack because he always cooks for me. It's hard to do it now. I'm always so tired. I thanked him for breakfast and cleaned up using magic. We headed out and made the short journey into to town for our appointment. We decided to visit the muggle doctors instead of apperating to a wizard doctor. Sirius wouldn't stop going on about how unsafe it could be for the baby. Of course I just rolled my eyes at him and agreed on the muggle doctor.

At the doctors office we had to fill out informations sheets and wait for our name to be called. While we were waiting, we sat in the waiting room with a few muggles, all here for different reasons. I had a few people look at me funny. It made sense. Teenage pregnancy isn't really that accepted. "Lily Evans." I heard a doctor call my name. Sirius and I stood up and followed her. We entered a room with a big machine in it. I guessed it was the ultrasound machine. "Hi. I'm Dr Roman and I'll be your doctor throughout the rest of your pregnancy." She said, introducing herself to us. I smiled at her as she shook both mine and Sirius' hand. "Pleased to meet you." I said to her and she nodded. She was young. Probably around 25. "Alright Miss Evans. Lay down on the bed and lift your shirt up." She instructed. I followed what she said and she proceeded to spread a very cold, clear gel over my stomach. Dr Roman turned the machine on and I looked up and smiled at Sirius. He smiled and took my hand, holding it tight. He was just as nervous as me. Dr Roman smiled at us. "You two are a cute couple." She said and I shook my head. "We're not together." I assured her and she put this weird like computer mouse thing on top of the gel and started moving it around. "Sorry, I just assumed. You are the father of this baby, correct? I read your information sheets." She said and Sirius nodded. "It's complicated. We're just good friends." He replied and I nodded in agreement. Dr Roman smiled at us and continues searching for the baby.

"Alright. There's the baby." She said, pointing at the little baby on the screen. I gasped and cover my mouth with my free hand. "Wow." Sirius said and I laughed. "Look! There's our baby!" I said, looking up at him. He smiled and nodded. Dr Roman spoke up. "I know the gender, if you'd like to know." She said and I looked up at Sirius again. He nodded and smiled. We were ready to know. "Tell us." I said, smiling. Dr Roman nodded and moved the mouse-like thing into a different spot so we could see. "Miss Evan and Mr Black, you are having a baby girl. Congratulations." Dr Roman told us. Of course I immediately started crying. Sirius had the biggest smile on his face. We're having a girl. My little baby girl. I laughed and wiped my tears. Sirius bought my hand up to his lips and placed a kiss on my hand. "We're having a girl!" He said and I nodded, laughing again. Dr Roman proceeded to check on her health and made sure she was going great. She handed us a picture and wiped off the gel. Once she was finished, I reached up and pulled Sirius into a tight hug. We thanked Dr Roman, leaving the doctors office and heading further into town to go baby shopping. I looked down at the ultrasound photo in my hand and smiled. I couldn't wait!


tomorrow is my last first day of high school and im honestly so scared. i don't wanna go back to school 😭

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