The End

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hii author here!

i just wanted to say thank you so much for reading this book, it is officially finished. i personally thought the ending in the final chapter was a bit rough but i honestly didn't know what to write or how to end it but let me know what you thought.

if there is anything specific you would have liked to see in this book, leave a comment and i might add some extra scenes and special chapters a bit later on, but now that this is finished, i will be focusing on book 3 in the main daughter of sirius black series (give it a read if you haven't already. i'm not sure what order people are reading these in).

once again, thank you. i started this book in 2015 so its been a while and a little bit of a struggle to finish, but we got there and i am proud of the outcome.

until the next one (or see you in book 3),


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