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Lily's POV


"Sirius...wake up! We have to go to hospital...it's time!" I say and he jumps out of bed. "Give me 3 minutes!" He says rushing around his room looking for clothes to wear. He didn't want to go to the hospital in his pjs. I just laugh and sit on the bed, waiting. The contractions weren't that big yet and they weren't close together. We had quiet some time before the baby came. "Sirius, calm down." I laugh again. He slows down a little and looks at me. "What? We need to go." Sirius said. I shook my head. "You don't have to rush though. It'll be okay." I said and he say next to me. "We'll leave in half an hour. Just calm down okay?" I said and he nodded. I smiled at him and stood up to go and finish my cup of tea. I had a simple breakfast of cheese on toast. I was already dressed and ready, my bag and the baby's bag was packed and ready at the front door. Sirius and I decided to hire a car the past couple of days for this moment. We didn't think walking to the hospital in town was a good idea.

"How are you so calm about this?" Sirius asked me and I shrugged. "I don't know. I just feel like we shouldn't rush around, there's no need too. She's coming slowly." I told him and he nodded, opening the car door for me. "Hop in love." He said and I laughed, sliding into the car and finding a comfortable was to sit as Sirius backed everything we needed into the car. He triple checked everything before getting into the car himself. "It's a good thing you decided to get a muggle license a few years ago." I laughed. He smiled and nodded, starting the car. He pulled out of the street and onto the long road that leads into town.


I had been sitting in this hospital bed for a few hours now and I was so tired. She just doesn't want to come out.  "Okay, Lily. I'm just going to check how far you are so we can get a general idea of when the baby should be born." The midwife said and I nodded. She check what she had to and looked up at me and Sirius. "She looks pretty far. I'd say you could probably start pushing soon." The midwife said and I looked over to Sirius with wide eyes. We were going to be parents any minuet now and there are still so many things I need to work out. Oh god. What is James going to say? How will he react? Wait, why am I even thinking about James? We haven't spoken in over 10 months. The midwife gave us one last smile before leaving the room to go get another midwife and a nurse. "It's here. Oh. Sirius, we're going to be parents. What are people going to think? I'll be known as the girl who had a baby with her ex-boyfriends best friend. I'm a horrible person." I said and Sirius shook his head and sat down next to the bed. "Stop it. You do not need to think about these things. Anything that happens after this moment, we'll sort out together. You're one of my closest friends, Lily. Who care's what other people think." Sirius said and gabbed my hand. "There's only one person we really need to worry about...." He said and I nodded. He didn't even have to say his name. "He's going to hate me." I whispered. "No. He wont. It's all going to be okay." Sirius tried to reassure me. I sighed and turned my attention to the door as a group of medical staff walked in. "Hello again, Lily." The main midwife said and I smiled at her as best I could. "Are you ready to have this beautiful baby?" She asked me and I looked at Sirius before nodding. "Alrighty then." The other nurses stood round the room, being ready to jump in at any time if needed. "When I say push, push hard okay?" The midwife said, smiling. I nodded and got ready to deliver this baby. 

There was screaming, crying and a lot of encouraging words from the nurses and finally my baby was here. I gasped as soon as she came out. She was absolutely and I was already so in love with her. "Congratulations Ms. Evans, Here is your beautiful baby girl." The midwife said and handed me my baby once they were finished checking her and making sure everything was okay. She handed me the baby and never in my life had I ever held anything so precious and fragile. "Oh my gosh." I said, holding the baby to my chest. I looked up at Sirius who had the biggest smile on his face. "Beautiful Delaney Lily." He said and I nodded. I lent down and kissed her on the forehead. "Here." I said to Sirius and motioned for him to take the baby. He looks scared but he reached down and took her from my arms softly.  I smiled as I watched him interact with our daughter. The best day ever. 

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