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Lily's POV

2 YEARS 9 MONTHS - 1980

"Push, Lily." James urged and I shook my head, tears falling down my cheeks. It hurt, my whole body hurt. Why did I do this to myself again? You would think once was enough. We hadn't exactly planned on having a baby right now, James and I wanted to wait. But it just happened. And now here we were, at St Mungo's Hospital having a baby. And although I was excited to have another child, it hurt. A lot. And I wanted it to be over. My head rolled to the side and I peered past James, glancing at Delaney.

She sat on a chair over in the corner of the room, swinging her legs back and forth as she watched the scene in front of her unfold. She beamed a smile at me and lifted her little hands, giving me two thumbs up. A chuckle fell from my lips and James glanced over, laughing as well at her encouragement. Delaney had been over at our house in Godrick's Hollow for the weekend when I went into labor. Both Sirius and Remus had been contacted and we had received an owl back before we went to the hospital letting us know they'd be here as soon as possible. Laney smiled at me again and continued to sit there like the good girl she was. I turned my attention back to James and the nurse. "Push, Lily, come on."

I nodded my head and took a deep breath in, bearing down and pushing hard for the 10 seconds while the nurse counted, it made it easier to follow along. "Again." She said and I breathed in again and pushed. And pushed and pushed and pushed, It felt like it went on forever. I don't remember it taking this long with Delaney. I was so busy pushing that I hadn't even noticed the rest of the Marauders come in. Everyone except Peter. I noticed a small frown fall upon James face as he noticed this fact but it disappeared as he turned back to him.

Delaney slid off the chair and ran to Sirius, jumping into his arms and telling him that she was very excited to become a sister. Remus chuckled and ruffled her hair; she frowned and let out a squeal as Marlene and Dorcas entered the room as well. James must have sent out a message for them as well. I was glad everyone was here. It had only been a few moments in between the last time I pushed and our friends entered the room, but the nurse quickly grabbed my attention again and got me to push. Again. I was tired and just wanted to sleep.

"You've got this, Lil. Just one more big push!" James repeated after the nurse and I nodded, taking one last deep breath in and pushing hard, the final push. A scream pushed it's way past my lips as I did and I fell back into the hospital bed, relieved that the baby was finally out. A cry erupted from the baby and I let out a happy laugh, James leaning down to kiss me and the nurse placed the baby boy on my chest. I looked up at James and smiled brightly. He looked as happy as I felt.

"Harry!" Delaney called out from where she was still positioned in Sirius arms. Our group of friends laughed, Delaney had been calling the baby Harry since we told her I was pregnant. I'm assuming she got the name from a book but it was a name that James and I were considering. I placed a soft kiss on the baby's head and looked up at James. I really liked the name Harry. James smiled and nodded, he liked the name as well.

Harry it was then. Harry James Potter.

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