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Lily's POV


"Happy Halloween!" Sirius shouted as James opened the door. I let out a laugh and as Sirius placed Delaney back on her feet, James reached down and pulled her up to hug her. "Wow, look at you! You're getting so big now!" He laughed and Delaney squealed, wriggling to get down and make her way over to me where I stood holding Harry. "I agree, you are getting way too big my darling. It's only been a week since we last saw you." I leant down and kissed her on the cheek. She smiled up at me and quickly leant up to wrap her arms around Harry in a hug at the same time I leant down. "Okay Laney, be a good girl for Mum and James and Uncle Remus will pick you up tomorrow." Sirius said to our daughter and she nodded, rushing back over to hug him.

James gave him a pat on the back and I gave him an encouraging smile. He and Remus were going out on patrol, just to make sure everything was smooth and safe. The War was in full swing which meant we had to be extra careful with our handovers of Delaney and how often she came over to stay at Godric's Hollow. It's been stressful and crazy. I hated having to stay inside with James and Harry basically everyday; I would prefer to go out, take Harry to the park and move on with our lives but it was impossible at this point. The last time Delaney was here was a week ago and I missed her greatly the whole time. James walked passed and offered to take Harry so I could give Delaney a proper hug. I smiled at him and passed our son over, immediately bending down a little and scooping up my daughter. "Oh I've missed you!" I exclaimed and held her tightly to my chest. She giggled and put her arms around my neck, hugging me back.

"Let's go play and watch Halloween movies." She suggested and I nodded, directing us into the living room where James already sat playing with Harry. I placed Laney down next to Harry and they started playing together whilst James stood up to pick a kids Halloween movie and I went off to make snacks and popcorn. After all the snacks were ready, I made my way back into the living room and sat down on the floor with them, my back against the couch. I smiled at Delaney and looked at James. "We should tell her. She understood with Harry, she's older now as well." I said to him and he looked up from the toys Harry was dropping in his lap. Delaney perked up and popped a piece of cheese in her mouth. James nodded. "Tell me what?" She asked and I chuckled at how perceptive she was.

"Tell you that momma is going to have another baby! I'm pregnant." I explained to her and she cheered, jumping up and coming over to hug me. "Yay! Another baby... a sister!" Delaney said, putting her hands on my stomach. James laughed, leaning over. "We don't know if it's a girl, D. It could be another boy." Delaney shook her, saying that it's definitely a girl. I looked over James and shrugged. "I mean, she was right about Harry being a boy." I added and he agreed. It was freaky when she told us Harry was a boy and then a couple weeks later we found out he was in fact a boy. I believed her now as she says the new baby is a girl. Another little girl... a sister for my children; I couldn't help the giant smile that spread across my face. "Come on, let's settle in and watch the movie. We'll cook some dinner soon."


We had made it to our third Halloween based movie by the time Delaney started dozing off. We spent the afternoon playing games, dancing around the house and watching movies. It was a great day but now Harry was asleep on the blanket we were sitting on, James sat behind me so I sat resting back against his chest whilst Delaney was positioned laying in my lap with her head on my stomach. She wanted to be close to the baby, she said. Harry had fallen asleep at the end of the last movie but Delaney was determined to watch as many as possible. We were only half way through the third movie. James chuckled and watched as Laney tried so hard to keep her eyes open and smiled for what felt like the 100th time tonight. I was just so happy at that moment.

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