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Lily's POV


"Thank you, Sirius" I say as he places a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me. "I really appreciate you letting me stay here." He smiles at me and sits down across from me. "It's no problem. Where else would you have gone? Plus, the baby is mine and I wasn't going to leave you alone through this" Sirius says as he smiles at me. I smile back at him as we start eating our breakfast. "So where are all your family members?" I ask as I eat some eggs. Sirius tenses up as he looks at me over the rim of his mug. "Well, out I guess. They all live in different places now. Some are married. Now it's just me and the portrait of my mother alone in this old house. She yells at me most days, expressing her disappointment in me. There is a house elf somewhere named Kreacher. He comes and goes" he says as he cuts up his bacon.

'Oh' was all I said. I didn't know much about Sirius's family. He never really talks about them. "What's up with the portrait of your mother? Why does she always yell at the people who walk into this house?" I said and Sirius looks towards the painting of his mother that can only just be seen from the dining room. "She yells at the people she doesn't think are worthy enough to enter 'The Noble House of Black'. But lately she has just been going off at everyone" he shrugs and turns back to his breakfast. I take only last look at the painting before turning back to my breakfast.

After breakfast, I help Sirius with the dishes before we head out to the little strip of backyard that is behind the house. Sirius complained about doing the garden but gave up after a while because he knew I'd win. So here we are, in the garden. Sirius is sitting on the grass while I cut the flowers and plant some new ones. "I don't understand why we have to do the gardening" Sirius complains again. "Because Sirius, the garden is atrocious" I say pulling out some weeks from the soil. He sighs and lays back on the grass looking up at the blue cloudy sky. "Well, why couldn't we just use magic?" he says and I turn and look at him. "Number one, you aren't doing anything, and number two, there is no fun in using magic for the simplest tasks" I said as he tilts his head and smiles. "You're defiantly something, Lily Evans" Sirius says and I blush, turning back to the garden so he doesn't see. He chuckles and decided to help me with the garden after all.

"You know, no one has called my Lily Evans in years. It's always just been Lily or Lils. It's nice though" I say as I pull some more weeds out and throw it in the bin that I had bought out before we stared. "Sirius...Where are we going to but the baby?" I ask and he stops what he is doing and looks at me. "I honestly don't know. I know you and James will end up getting back together, and I don't mind, but this baby is going to cause some problems for the both of us" Sirius says and I nod. "I mean, no offence, but if James and I do get back together, our baby can't stay with me. As much as I love him or her already, I just don't see James liking that idea. Also I don't want you to miss anything in the child's life" I say and now it's his tern to nod. "Maybe he or she should just stay here? I do have all the room, so why not?" he says and I smile at him. "Let's talk about this later" I say and he agrees.

A few hours later the backyard and the garden are finished. We did use magic for the big things like fixing the outside table, the fence, and the grass because Sirius was to lazy to now it himself. It was now around 1:45pm and we were having lunch. "What shall we do tomorrow?" I ask Sirius as we ate our lunch. "I have to go into town, but you are very welcome to stay here" Sirius said. I nodded and continued eating my lunch.


this story will not have very long chapters just incase anyone wanted to know

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