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Lily's POV

I stand in front of Number 12 Grimmauld Place with tears running down my face. I hesitate as I go to knock on the door but finally I bring myself to knock on the door. I wait a few minutes and the door finally opens.  Sirius Black is standing there looking at me as I try to say something. "I-I'm sorry if I woke you" I stutter and he shakes his head, "You didn't wake me, don't worry about it" Sirius says, "I don't know why I came here. I'm sorry" I say as I turn and walk away. "Lily!" I hear Sirius shout and I turn back around. "Why don't you stay here for the night? It looks like you need someone to talk to" Sirius says and he takes my hand gently and leads me inside and down the long hall and into the kitchen.

"Sit and I'll make you some tea" He says and I nod and take a seat as he puts water in the kettle and places it on the stove before sitting in the chair in front of me. "Tell me what happened" Sirius says softly as he takes my hand again. I take a deep breath in and look up at him, "James and I broke up" I whisper and a few more tears escape my eyes. Sirius sighs and hugs me, "I'm so sorry, Lils" He says as he wipes my tears away with his thumb. I smile sadly at him, "Maybe we we're just never meant to be" I say and he hugs tightly. I look up at him again and I placed my hands gently on his cheeks. "Lily, what are you doing?" Sirius whispers as I move closer to him. "Please Sirius, please" I plead and he shakes his head. "I could never do that to James, Lily. You know that" He says and I hang my head. "I-I'm sorry, I just though..." I said as I cried. "Hey, don't cry" Sirius says and he lifts my face up and stares into my eyes. "Please" I whisper and he nods slightly before placing a soft and gentle kiss on my lips.


The light streaming through the window the next morning is what woke me. I sigh and stretch out in the big queen size bed and look around the room. I've never been in Sirius' room so I've never noticed how tidy he keep everything but the floor. I notice a pile of dirty washing, books and paper littered all over the floor. I get out of the bed and take Sirius' dressing gown off the hook and put it on before walking down the 4 flights of stairs to get to the kitchen. I look in the kitchen and don't see Sirius so I keep looking. I eventually find him in the living room sitting at the piano with a cup of tea.

"I made you one" He says pointing to the steaming cup of tea sitting on the coffee table. I thank him and go over and pick it up before sitting at the piano with him. After a few minutes of silence I look up at him, "Do you regret...um...what happened?" I say softly and I see him look up from the piano keys. "Uh...not really. I think I feel guiltier about it but that might go away. Who knows?" Sirius says and I nod. "I'm sorry, I kind of pressured you into it" I said as I turned and looked at him. He shakes his head, "No you didn't" he said and we return back to silence.                 A few more minutes passed and Sirius finally stood up. "Come, I'll make you breakfast" he said as he took my hand and lead me into the kitchen.



I find myself standing in front of 12 Grimmauld Place again with tears slowly rolling down my face. I knock loudly on the door a few times before Sirius answers. "Good afternoon, Lily" he says and I entre the house and walk down the hallway and into the kitchen. "Lily, will you tell me what's wrong?" Sirius says as he follows me down the hallway. I take a deep breath and look at him.

"I'm pregnant" I say and he looks at me like I have three heads.

And from that moment on the two 17 year old students from Hogwarts school would become parents.


sorry its a little short, i just wanted to get this posted for all y'all

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