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Lily's POV

1 YEAR 3 MONTHS - 1978

"I'm sorry...what did you just say?" James asked, a bit shocked and kind of like he didn't fully hear me. I sighed and took a step forward. "I have a child. A baby...a daughter." I explained, smiling a little. I was thinking about my little girl and couldn't help it. "You...have a daughter?" He questioned. I nodded. "Um, wait here." I said and quickly walked up the stairs. I knocked hard on the library door and waited until Sirius answered it. "He knows. I told him." I said to him and he raised his eyebrows. "What do you mean?" He asked. "I told James about Delaney!" I told Sirius and then turned and rushed to her purple bedroom door. I pulled the door opened and see her sitting up in her bed smiling. "Hey baby girl." I smiled back and lifted her from her bed. Sirius was right behind me. "I guess it's time to tell James. There's no avoiding it now." I said to Sirius and he nodded. "Didn't exactly go as plan, but here we are." I added and we both started walking down the flights of stairs. I took a deep breath in and held my daughter closer to me as I entered the living room. 

James didn't hear us at first; he was too busy looking at the photos placed around the room. Sirius cleared his throat and James quickly spun around. Immediately his eyes locked with mine and the travelled down to the 1 year old in my arms. "I'm slightly confused...this is your child?" He asked, confused. I nodded. "Yes. This is Delaney." I explained and smiled down at her as she tugged on my hair a little. "And the father is?" James asked and I quickly glanced over  at Sirius. James followed my eyes and eventually locked eyes with Sirius. "You had a child with my girlfriend?!" James raised his voice at his best friend. I watched as Sirius stood up straighter against the wall and held his ground. "It wasn't supposed to happen!" Sirius argued back and James walked forward and punched Sirius right in the middle of this face. Sirius instantly reached up and held his nose as it started bleeding. "Stop it! The both of you! Sirius, take the baby and go into the other room." I said, holding Delaney out to him. He wiped the blood of his hand and took our daughter and left. I watched as the door closed behind him and then turned to James.

"What the heck, Lily?! You had a child with my best friend." James yelled at me. I sighed and looked up at him. "It wasn't like that!" I tried to defend us. "Yes, Lily! That's exactly what it is like! Wait...do you love him?" James asked and I shook my head. "Not the way you are thinking!" I fired back and he sighed, sitting down on the chair. "Then why did you have a child with him!" I turned back and looked at him. "You left! You left me broken and sad! For 2 years! I came to Sirius for comfort and it just happened!" James stood up once again and tried to hug me. "No! We've spoken about this enough! Get out of my house; we'll talk about this again later." I said sternly and he immediately got the message and left as quickly as he could. I looked over at the living room entrance and seen Sirius and Delaney standing there. He looked at me apologetically and I sighed. I could only imagine how the next conversation I have with James is going to go. 

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