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Lily's POV

1 YEAR 6 MONTHS - 1978

I blushed as James kissed me on the cheek. "Thank you for this evening, James. It was wonderful." I smiled a little and stood there on the doorstep of Sirius house, looking at James as he took a step back. It had been 3 month since James found out about Delaney and after the first month or so, he accepted it. We've gone on a few dates since then, talked a lot. It's been lovely seeing him and watching him interact with my daughter; I couldn't have asked for anything better. "The pleasure is all mine, Lily. Are we still good to get breakfast in a few days? Bring Laney along. I miss her little face." He chuckles and I laugh along with him. "Yes, of course. I'm sure Laney will love that. Her new favorite word is 'Ja'..." The smile that crossed his face was worth it. I was proud of James for adapting to the situation and learning to accept it. It made it easier; I was able to have James as well as my daughter and keep my best friend on top of it. 

"Well, I look forward to it, Lils. I'm completely smitten with her; she's a beautiful little girl." James complimented and I chuckled, thanking him before reaching for the door handle. I twisted the handle and pushed the door opened a little before taking a small step inside. I turned back and looked at James, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. Pulling away, I noticed the small smile on his face. I was glad he reacted the way he did. "I'll see you in a few days, James. Goodnight." He wished he a good night as well before stepping away from the door. I stood quietly as I watched him make his way down the street, giggling as I watched him look back for a moment. Closing the door behind me, I removed my coat and placed it on the coat rack. The house was quiet which could only mean the baby was asleep. I passed the kitchen, waving quickly to Sirius as I made my way up to Delaney's room. Her purple door stood out from the rest and I smiled as I ran my fingers over her name also painted on the door. Pushing it open slowly, I peeked my head in, smiling softly at my sleeping baby as I noticed her cuddled up to the stuffed animal James had bought her. I was glad he was adapting to the situation as well as he was, It made everything else move smoother.

I shut the door once more and went back downstairs and into the kitchen where Sirius sat at the table, reading the paper like usual. Sometimes I wonder if he ever got bored of reading the paper. His house held a whole library of marvelous book and I wondered if he had read any of them. Perhaps in his childhood years. "How was your night?" I heard him as from behind me as I poured myself a cup of tea. I took a sip of it before sitting now across from him. "It was lovely. James seems to be adapting to the baby situation pretty well. He want's me to being Delaney when we go for breakfast in a few days." He nodded his head and told me Del was a perfect angel all night. I had no doubt and I knew Sirius was good with her. He adored her more than anything in the world and would do anything for her. I went on to explain the rest of the evening and we sat for a good amount of time just chatting before heading off to bed. 


hello! it has taken me over a year to update this book and i apologise! i didn't mean to neglect this story but life gets in the way. i am happy to announce that i am back and shall be updating each week as much as possible. i do hope there are people who still read this story... it would be incredibly embarrassing if no one did. 

thank you for being so patient and i hope you enjoy all future updates <3 

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