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Lily's POV

1 YEAR - 1978

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Delaney; Happy birthday to you!" Sirius and I sing to our little girl. It was her birthday today. 1 years old. She's getting so big, so quickly. I'm loving watching her grow up. It is the best and the happiest time of my life so far! Delaney giggles as Sirius helps her blow out the candle that was placed neatly on top of the cupcakes I made earlier. It was such a beautiful sight. I snapped a picture. It was a cute little Polaroid that was going into a scrapbook I was making for her. She was talking a little and even walking a few steps. Delaney would say things like 'Ma' and 'Da' and even 'Re'. Re meant Remus. Around 5 months ago, Sirius and I decided we had to tell someone else our secret. We chose to tell Remus because he was Sirius' best friend and he was starting to get a little bit suspicious.

"Sirius, I'm nervous." I said as I paced around the Black Family home living room carrying our daughter. "What if he is really judgemental? What if he tells James?" Oh no, I couldn't bare the thought of James finding out that way; through someone else. It had been so hard to reach him since he left and went away. Because we didn't know where he was, we couldn't exactly send him a letter. Delaney had been our little secret for a while now. No one else knew. Sirius and I had spent 15 months alone. Just us and our baby. From the moment we found out, to the moment she was born and to now. Here she is 7 months old and no one else knows she exists. Sirius stood up and carefully took the little girl from my arms and placed her on the mat with all her toys; she smiled and started banging the toys together. He took my hand and looked at me. "Lily, stop worrying. Everything will be okay, I promise. Whatever Remus says or asks us, we'll have an answer. It's about time someone else knew about Delaney. He's not going to tell anyone." Sirius reassured me. I sighed a little. He was right. I nodded and sat down on the floor with Del. She was so beautiful and I loved her with all my heart and would do anything to protect her. I knew Sirius felt the same. Not long after there was a loud knock on the door. I looked up at Sirius with wide eyes. He gave me a reassuring smile and made his way to open it.

"Remus!" I heard Sirius say to the man at the door and could only assume they  were hugging eachother. It had been a while since they last saw one another. "Sirius, how have you been?" Remus asked and I could hear the rustling of a raincoat being hung up on the hat stand. I looked at my daughter and watched as she smiled at me. I smiled back and stood up, taking her into my arms. "Your letter sounded very serious and very urgent. What is it that you wanted to tell me?" Remus asked and I could hear them approach the living room door. I just stood there holding Delaney, waiting. Sirius cleared his throat. "Right, well; Don't freakout please...but..." Sirius opened the door and I watched as Remus turned his attention to Delaney and I. He looked shocked to see me but also very confused. "Hello, Remus." I said smiling a little. Remus looked towards Sirius and then back to the baby and I. "Remus, This is Delaney Black. She is the daughter of Lily and I." Sirius explained. Remus was still very confused but I watched as he walked towards the baby. She smiled at him; She always smiled. "Hello, little one." He said to her. It wasn't long after that that Delaney was asleep in the cot placed in the corner of the living room near the fire to keep her warm as she slept. It was  very cold outside.

"I still don't understand. Lily; I thought you were with James? Last I heard you were engaged to him. Can someone please explain?" He asked and Sirius nodded. "Remus, my friend. What ever questions you have, we will gladly answer them. Truthfully." Remus nodded back at Sirius and glanced over at the sleeping child, only a few feet away from us. "What happened to James?" Remus asked, turning his attention to me. "He left. With no good explanation as to why. We haven't heard from him since." I explained. "After James left, Lily came here. She didn't know where else to go." Sirius carried on. "But are you still engaged to James?" Remus questioned and I shrugged. I wasn't even sure myself. "So the two of you aren't together?" Remus asked another question. Sirius and I both shook our heads no. "Only friends; except we have a child together. It's very complicated." I said and Remus nodded. We had all day to explain and that's exactly what we did.


I  was pulled out of my thoughts by a loud knocking from the front door. I told Sirius I would get it and he nodded. I quickly made my way to the front door and opened it. It was Remus. He smiled at me. "Sorry I'm late. Hopefully the birthday girl is still awake." He said, taking off his coat and hanging it on the hat stand. "Oh, she's still awake. She;s outside in the garden with Sirius." I told him and he pulled out two things from his jacket. A little parcel wrapped in purple paper and a letter. He handed the letter to me. "This was on the front door step." He said and I took the letter and watched as he made his way to the garden. I followed and watched as Delaney stood up from her fathers lap and wobbled her way over to Remus. It was only a few steps but she was getting here. I could see her smile and hear her say his name. I lent against the door frame and turned my attention to the letter resting in my hand. My eyes widened as I realized it was from James. I turned it over and opened it. The letter read:

Dear my darling Lily,

I am so sorry for the way I left things. I was not in a good place after graduation and thought that even though I had you and you agreed to marry me, I still needed some time away to sort myself out. I understand I left in a hurry without really explaining anything. And I know that it broke your heart. I have been told that you have been staying at the Black Family Manor with Sirius. I'm happy you've had someone to take care of you.

I just wanted to let you know that I am making my way home. I will be back within the next few months. I hope you will think about sitting with me and talking about everything.

Love always,

Your James.


Oh hello there everyone! its been a while. i am so sorry i havent updated in a long time. ive been so busy and havent had the motivation to write in a while. however, recently i started writing again and ive never been so happy. im so excited to continue writing my book and hopefully finish a few and maybe even start new ones!

as always, thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed this chapter. x

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