Chapter 1- Wait! What do you mean there are more than one?!

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July 14th - 11:30pm

It was finally here! The day I had been waiting for my whole life! At midnight tonight I would finally get my first clue to my Soulmate. I could not wait!! I had invited my best friends Erica and Sam over to be there when it happened. There was no way I would be able to handle this all alone.

"Melody will you get out of the bathroom!!"- Erica yelled through the thin door.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming! Hold your horses!" I yelled back in frustration.

They were getting so impatient too. I was the first one of us to get the tattoo and they were curious on how it would show up.

"You only have 15 min left until it comes so we don't want to miss it." Said Sam.

Since I turned 20 I had been living on my own while my parents helped me out a lot, they understood I needed your own space. I had always been an introvert and being around the whole family was always a bit much for me to handle. I had delt with a lot of social anxiety since I was little and with Sam and Erica I was finally getting a little out of my shell. They had been with me since kindergarten and knew exactly how to calm and make sure nothing set me off.

We all sat on my couch just watching the clock. I made sure to wear a button down so it would be easier to see the tattoo when it showed up.

"I heard it burns, please tell us so we can prepare for ours!" Erica said

"Stop it, Erica! Your just gonna make her more nervous" Sam said.

"I think I'm ok guys, I've read the info on what to expect so I think I can handle it!" I said confidently back to the girls eagerly staring at my skin right over my heart.

Less than 5 min left, my heart was starting to pound, and I was starting to feel warm in anticipation. 'I got this, I got this', I kept saying the mantra in my head as I kept watching the clock.

Less than a min, I was starting to shake from the nerves, but the girls held my hands to steady me.






That when the burning started, the girls gasped, and they watched my chest. I kept my eyes closed as I felt the burning spread in my chest. After a minute the burning stopped, and i finally took a deep breath steadied myself and opened my eyes.

The first thing I did was look at my friend's faces, both looking at me in horror. The next thing I did was stand up and look in the mirror. I screamed as I looked at the now 7 tattoos on my chest.


Both girls were stunned, neither spoke while I held my head in my hands. I took another deep breath. "I think I need to sit down" I slowly walked back to the bed and looked back down at the 7 small tattoos now resting on my chest in a small circle.

A small bowl of Ramen

A boombox

A pair of headphones

A pair of shoes

A Mochi

A small painting

A polaroid photo

These 7 small tattoos were my Soulmates, but how could I have 7 of them, wasn't that not the rule?

The more I thought about it the crazier it seemed. I looked up at my friends "hey Erica can you grab my laptop? There's gotta be something on the internet about this, I cannot be the only one to get more than one."

Erica leaped up and grabbed my laptop from my desk, I quickly typed in the search bar. Hundreds of articles popped up.

"Woman in South Africa given 4 Soulmates"

"Man in Chicago with 2 Soulmates"

"Woman in China finds out she has 5 Soulmates"

The lists went on an on, how could this happen? I get the world is overpopulated but seriously?!

After chatting and looking at these articles with my friends we finally all get to sleep. It was not what I were expecting but I wouldn't wait to get the next sign to see who these little tattoos belonged to.

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