Chapter 13- Lost in Translation

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A/N WOW!! Thanks everyone that's read so far! this is my first fan fic so I am so happy someone's reading it :-) If there is anything you'd like to see them all do or suggestions please let me know :-) now back to it!

Dae-Seong opens the door of the black car for me, I hop in and then we are off. We run my errands, to get new toiletries (Make up, face stuff and shampoo). It become clear after a few days that I needed to stock up. The ladies at the makeup store were super helpful but it was hard trying to explain in English what I needed when they knew only a few phrases.

Then I headed to a few clothing stores to get a few new outfits. My stuff from my apartment wouldn't be here for a few more weeks and I wanted to spice up my wardrobe. Dae-Seong was a good sport and carried all my bags for me, after finishing at the last store we both stopped for lunch. Dae-Seong suggested a café nearby, we both walked in. I looked at the menu and couldn't read it since it was all in Korean. "Would you be able to tell me what's on the menu. I can't read Hangul. I plan on taking lessons soon." I asked Dae-Seong. "Of Course!" He smiled back at me. He them told me a few options and we ordered from there. He was right this was a good pick; the food was delicious. I was a but upset that I didn't think to start learning the language earlier, I was super lucky all my Soulmates were fluent in English and didn't make me feel bad that I didn't speak their native language.

Last stop was the grocery store, I wanted to cook the guys some dinner. I grabbed all the items I could to make a homemade lasagna. Yet another reason to learn the language, I had to ask Dae-Seong every time I couldn't find something. Once we found everything we headed back, I still had plenty of time to make them dinner and the dessert I was planning.

After putting away all my new toiletries and clothes I headed to the kitchen to get to work. I get out all my ingredients and start to get it all together. I look around at all the cabinets to get the tools needed and then I notice everything is in the metric system. This was going to be a struggle; I start by getting a sheet of paper and write down all the measurements so I can make sure I get the right ratio. With my cheat sheet ready I get to work. First, I get the lasagna together, that wasn't too bad with the conversions. Baking on the other hand was going to be hard.

Baking to me was more of a science and these conversions were not adding up. I kept running them through my head. One ingredient with too much the whole thing would be off, I was getting more and more frustrated. After an hour I was able to get everything right, or at least I hoped so. With the Cake finally in the oven the door finally opened, and the guys walked in. Sniffing the air as they came in, "what is that delicious smell." Jin yelled from the front door.

They all piled in the kitchen to check out what was cooking. I shyly answered, "I wanted to make you all dinner." "Aww she's so cute!" Jimin said giving me a huge hug. "it's almost ready if you all wanted to get cleaned up and come back to eat." They all pecked my cheek and ran up to get ready.

Once I got the Cake and Lasagna out the oven, the guys starting making their way down. I left the cake to cool and put the lasagna on the table. The guys basically bouncing in room excited to eat, they all thank me for the meal and dig in. I wait for their reactions; everyone is smiling and keeps digging in. I smile finally start to eat myself. "Melody this is really good, we will need to add this one to the recipe book." Yoongi said. "Yeah?! Okay, only problem I only know the recipe in US measurements, I fought with your measuring cups and spoons all afternoon." I said frowning. "Oh, Babe don't worry, we can figure it out. We have cooked in the US before, so I know the conversions." Jin said. I smiled thankfully over at Jin, blushing slightly.

Once everyone was done eating, I got up to finish the cake, Tae and Jimin helped me with the dishes. Cake done I brought it over to the table, everyone took a slice. Joon spoke up "Melody, we wanted to ask you if you had any more thoughts on us announcing we had met our Soulmate?" "Oh, I haven't really had much time to think of it but I'm not going to say I'm not nervous." "Well, I have been thinking and I think I came up with an idea to announce it but still keep you out of the spotlight for a bit." I raised my eyebrows at him curious on his idea.

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