Chapter 3- Swoon!

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It had been two days since I had started talking to Jin. He was seriously the best, so funny, I could listen to his terrible jokes for hours. I was so happy, your friends and co-workers started noticing the change in me. Everyone complimented me on being more open and friendly. This Soulmate stuff really made my heart happy, and I guess everyone could see it.

Nighttime came and I finally had cleaned up after dinner and was about to check out my Netflix Queue when I heard a new voice.

Voice- Umm Hi there?

Melody- Hi, wow hi!

Voice- Hi, my names Yoongi. Jin was right your voice is nice.

Melody- thanks, its nice to hear from you.

He was so different from Jin, more subdued and chill.

Yoongi- I'm glad, Jin and I have both waited a while. I'm also 28. But a little younger than Jin. I know you've been talking to him for a few days. I'm glad its my turn. The others are getting a little impatient they want to hear everything about you too.

Melody- oh man that makes me nervous, but I'm not gonna lie I am interested on hearing all of you. I must admit finding out I have 7 Soulmates was a lot at first but I'm not feeling too panicky about it like I was at first.

Yoongi- don't be nervous, we are your Soulmates, we are here for you. I have gone through some stuff on my own, so I get the panic and stuff like that. You can talk to me anytime. I'm here for you.

Melody- thank you so much Yoongi, I hope I can meet you all soon. Both of your voices are so soothing to me.

We talked for a while, until he heard me start to yawn.

Yoongi- well I think you should sleep; we have plenty of time to talk so please so get some rest. I love my sleep too so please don't stay up for me.

Melody- okay I know your right. Thanks for talking and listening.

Yoongi- anytime babe, I'm yours. Good night

Melody- night

I swooned when I heard him call me babe. I quickly texted my friends about Yoongi before going to bed.

The next morning I woke up smiling at now knowing 2 of my Soulmates. This felt like a dream, I was so ecstatic.

Voice- Good Morning Sunshine!!

Melody- OMG! You scared me!

Voice- Sorry!! I couldn't help it! I'm just so excited! My names Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi!

Melody- Hi Hobi, nice to hear you. That sounds silly.

Hobi- Your silly I like it! I'm just so happy that its my turn to talk to you. Jin and Yoongi look so happy! So your 21 right?

Melody- yup only turned 21 a little over a week ago. It's been a bit crazy. Wasn't expecting 7 of you but you all are so different in a good way so far.

Hobi- oh yea we are all different personalities, but Jin was right your voice is gorgeous!

Melody- stop, you're making me blush

Hobi- Aww Cutie I would love to see that right now.

Melody- welp now I'm all red in the face. How old are you?

Hobi- I'm 27, I'm guessing we are gonna talk to you in age order! So cool!!

Melody- age order?

Hobi- oops spoilers. Can't talk about that! Jins orders!

Melody- aww man!

Hobi- but hey you only have 4 Soulmates left to hear from them we can tell you who we are!

Melody- I guess your right and at this pace who knows maybe ill hear from you all sooner rather than later.

I couldn't believe that this ball of sunshine was my Soulmate. He was so lively and friendly but a total flirt. He told me about his love for Dance, his family, and his young life. I told him more about my family life or lack there of and a bit more about my friends. Hobi was so positive it was refreshing to have some one to always be in my corner hyping me up.

Another day passed with out another new voice; I was starting to get worried. But as soon as I started doubting yourself I heard:

Voice- Hi I'm Namjoon, but you can call me Joon if you want.

Melody- Hi Joon! I was starting to get worried I wouldn't hear from the rest of you.

Joon- don't be worried of course we want to talk to you. Some of us are super eager. You'll see when its their turn.

Joons laugh was amazing, I was smiling ear to ear

Melody- so am I going to have my hands full?

Joon- oh definitely! But we are your Soulmates, so you'll do fine.

Melody- I'm guessing you won't give me any hints of who you all are and how you know each other.

Joon- well.... I wish I could but I don't want Jins wrath.

Melody- okay then, tell me about you.

Joon and I talked for hours about everything. I couldn't believe how open I was with them. They knew stuff even Sam and Erica didn't know. I guess being a part of my soul really breaks down those walls even quicker than I thought. Plus there was just something about him that made me want to spill my guts to him. His voice was the most soothing thing I had ever heard.  

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