Chapter 40- On the way

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A few months passed since the wedding, we had gone on a honeymoon to Fiji and enjoyed the sun and swimming. The guys were ramping back up for another tour and a new album, they asked me to help them with some of the songs and I was ecstatic to help out.

I was sitting in Joons studio working over a song together when he paused the music, "Mel, I know we are about to go on a tour and everything, but I was wondering..." He took a deep breath before continuing. "Would you want to.... Start a family with us?" I was stunned, I had thought about it since the wedding and while I wanted to start it I wasn't sure the guys were ready.

"Joon, I was wondering who would bring it up first. I have been thinking about it too." I said smiling up at him as he grabbed me into a tight hug. "The guys and I were talking about it earlier and we weren't sure what you thought. I am so happy we all want this. We should all talk tonight about it." he continued smiling ear to ear.

Later that night everyone gathered in the living room to talk about babies. They all seemed so excited and were basically bouncing in their seats. We all discussed who would want them and who would have the chance first. I was internally not prepared to be pregnant 7 times. But in the end, we all decided to leave it to chance and just try the natural way first.

Of course, I needed some time to get off my birth control before even starting the process of getting pregnant. The guys knew there was a few weeks where they would need to wait for the real trying to start.

We had gone to the doctor and had been given the all clear about 3 three weeks after the talk with the guys. I wanted to surprise the guys at dinner that night, I was excited and a bit nervous on the feeding frenzy that was about to happen. I had gotten home before the guys and decided to make them some dinner. I settled on making Lasagna, I had the best timing as I was taking the tray out of the oven as they walked in the door. They all ran to shower and came back down for dinner as I was finishing the salad.

"Thanks for cooking Mel!" Jin beamed at me. "I really wasn't feeling up to cooking tonight." He added giving me a peck on the cheek as he hugged me. Everyone sat down to eat, looks like practice was hard and they were scarfing down the food. Once we were all done I cleared my throat. "So guys, I saw my Doctor today and it looks like we are good to start trying." But as soon as I finished the sentence I was ripped out of my chair, someone grabbed me and was running with me.

All I heard was cheers of protest and I felt the wind from the door closing and I looked up and saw Yoongi smirking down at me. "Eager are we?" I asked giggling at his reaction. "I just wanted to first crack Mel." As I laughed he picked me back up and carried me over to the bed kissing as we went.

Over the next few weeks the guys all took their times with me, it seemed everyone wanted to be the first. I shook my head every time one of them grabbed me. I thought to myself if I wasn't pregnant after all their trying that something would definitely be wrong. But about 3 more weeks later I had missed my period and one morning woke up nauseous. I kept it to myself until I could get a test to be sure.

I called up Jiwoo and had her pick me up for lunch. As we were eating I told her the news. "OH MY GOD!! Are you for real! We need to get a test now!!!" then she basically dragged me out of the Café to the drug store. "Here take these and let get you to my apartment, I don't want to spoil your surprise for the guys!"

After 5 agonizing minutes both of us stood over the test awaiting the results...

Both Jiwoo and I looked at the test stunned. It showed positive... "quick take another one to be sure." She said handing me another box. After another 5 minutes it came up the same result. She was screaming in excitement as I was stunned. It was really happening; I immediately called my doctor to see if I could get a same day appointment. Luckily, they had one and Jiwoo and I ran to the office.

Once the Doctor confirmed it, I was speechless, I was 5 weeks pregnant. That meant that first couple days we had conceived. They scheduled me for my first sonogram in a few weeks to check on the baby. As we both got in her car, she turned to me. "We need to plan a reveal that your pregnant for the guys!"

"YES! Let's do it!" Jiwoo pulled out from the spot as you both headed to the nearest party store to get some supplies. You were lucky they had a late-night practice tonight so Jiwoo and I had plenty of time to decorate for them to be home.

I had ordered some Korean Fried Chicken and sides, and Jiwoo helped me decorate the dining room. I wanted it to seem like normal as they came in then when they went to eat see the surprise. We both had decorate the room with streamers in pink and blue as well as little decorations with babies all over it and a banner saying Knocked up. I laughed at the banner as I turned off the light walking back to the living room.

They were set to be home in about 30 minutes, so Jiwoo gathered her things and headed out, promising to keep the secret from her family until we were ready to announce it. I was so grateful to have an awesome sister in law so close by.

Waiting in the living room for the guys I could hear them coming a mile away, the sound of laughter coming from the hallway were so loud. Then in they came, they all came to hug me. "Hey guys I got takeout go shower and we will eat ok?" they all nodded and kissed me as they went.

I kept the food in the kitchen, so no one peaked in the dining room, once they were all out from their showers I brought out the food and everyone walked over to the Dining room, I hit the lights as I entered. Then I turned to see all the guys frozen at the door looking at the decorations with their mouths wide open.

"Are you?.........Pregnant?" Hobi asked finally breaking the silence.

"Yes guys, we are going to be parents!" then they all ran to me to hug me and rub my belly. Tae was cute already talking to my stomach, I watched them all with wide eyes and big smiles. I couldn't be happier.

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