Chapter 17- Chaos and Calm

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A/N - Sorry for the delay everyone! i had written a few chapters then rewrote them cause they didn't flow right in my head. i was also a bit sick this week. i am working to upload a few more chapters tonight to make up for it :-) Enjoy!

I put my chill play list on and started writing all my feelings down in the journal. I hadn't even gotten a chance to think past the guys this whole time and the quiet I was given was bound to bring out some not happy feelings.

A/N the following is some of what Melody writes in her Journal:

You know that excitement when you get a new book or CD where you can't wait to read or listen to it, that's my first thought of meeting my Soulmates. Pure excitement but are they going to get tired of me? I am not all the great, just a normal girl with anxiety.

*Melody shrugs and crosses out the last line.

Warmth is what I feel with them, like being in the sun on a nice fall afternoon. Its chilly out but the sun is still bright enough to warm the skin.

Is this all just a dream, it seems way too perfect.

I stopped for a bit to get some lunch, took a nap, and went back to the journal after a few hours. I plug back in my headphones and hit my calm playlist, hitting shuffle I had added a few of the guy's softer songs to relax me. I cuddled up in the corner of the couch staring at the ceiling, thinking of the guys and everything I had left behind. I felt your eyes getting heavy eventually drifting off to sleep with one of their songs in the background.

Jungkook's POV

It was 5pm when I all got home, I looked around the living room and didn't see Melody, as I came around the side of the couch I could see her sleeping the corner wrapped in a ball. She looked so cute with her headphones on and clutching her journal. I quietly and softly went over to her and pulled out one of the headphones so hear what she was listening to. It was Fix You by Cold play, we had done a cover of it recently and I knew it had a soft spot for a lot of us.

I cupped her face and rubbed her cheek singing a long with the song, she started to smile as she opened her eyes to see me.

Melody's POV

I woke up feeling happy and hearing more than just Cold Play, I look up and see Kookie singing along with one of the headphones in his ear. I smiled big at him leaning into his hand on my cheek. Just as the bridge came on I leaned up and hugged him and nuzzled into his chest. He continued to sing to me as the song ended, he then leaned me back and wiped the tears from my face that had slowly started to form as he sang.

"Kookie your voice is so beautiful, that was so nice." I spoke. "Melody I will sing to you forever if it would make you happy." I blushed back at him at his comment. "But enough for now we are going to leave for dinner in a bit, go get ready." He said pulling me off the couch. I made my way to all the guys saying welcome home and went up to my room to shower and get ready.

After going and freshening up and putting on a cute casual outfit I headed back out the living room to meet up with the guys. I walked in the room, and they all stared at me. "You look beautiful." Said Hobi. "Aww thanks! You all are always handsome." Tae grabbed my left hand and Hobi grabbed my right, and we all left the dorm and into a large van waiting in the parking garage. The drive was about 30 min but Tae and Hobi refused to let go of my hands the whole way. I was blushing the whole time they were so cute.

The van pulled up to a Korean BBQ place, the smell from even inside the car was amazing. "Korean BBQ! I wanted to try this!" "We thought you would like this, we used to come here all the time before we debuted." Jin said. We all walked in and were taken to a back private room. They all ordered for me since I had no clue what would be good.

The food was so good, and I even tried a little bit of Soju, I was a bit afraid of getting drunk out in public since we all were keeping a low profile for now. We all walked out to the vans, trying to keep the touching to a minimum. Jimin and Tae were relentless though and would not let me go.

Unknown POV-

"Girls look we found them......" staring angrily at BTS and the strange girl with them. taking a few photos to remember what she looked like.

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