Chapter 19- Panic

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Joon and I's moment was interrupted by his phone ringing. We both broke the kiss as he looked down to his phone. He answered it, "Yes Sejin?" I got up to give him some space, so I walked around the garden for a bit. Then Joon was walking up to me, "Sorry Melody, we need to head back down. We all need to talk." He grabbed my hand and we both walked back into the dorm. "Is everything ok" I asked as I walked. He nodded and said "I think so, but we need to go down to all talk together and see if this is a big thing or not." I started to panic a little at his words. What wasn't he telling me?

We both walked back into the dorm and all the guys were on the couch already and Sejin their manager was standing waiting for me. I took a seat next to Jimin and Tae, they put their arms around me, and I stared at Sejin.

"Thanks guys and Melody for taking some time of your day off, but this cant wait." Sejin continued. "Last night it appears someone saw you all leaving the restaurant" and my stomach dropped. I started to panic more. "Dispatch gave us a heads up, some Sasaengs that we are aware of saw you leaving last night and took some pictures." He continued. "They are going to publish the photos, the ones I've seen unfortunately show Melody's face, as well as Jimin's face." With his words I started to tear up and the pit in my stomach opened. I put my head in my hands and started to curl into myself. Everything else Sejin said was mumbles as I tuned everything out and started hyperventilating.

I couldn't focus on anything but my legs in my arms and my breathing.

Yoongis POV-

I was listening to Sejin and keeping an eye on Melody as he spoke. I noticed she started to curl up and breathe heavy not looking at anyone. Once she was in the fetal position I got up and without saying anything picked her up and walked to her bedroom. I needed to get her out of the conversation. Joon would tell me the rest later, but she needed to get out of there now.

Once I had gotten her door closed and placed her on her bed I went behind her and hugged her close and speaking quietly in her ear. "Shh, its ok I am here." I repeated in Melody's ear. Rubbing her arm as I said it. After about 10 minutes she leaned back into my chest. "Good Girl" I said crawling around her to see her face. I wiped away the tears and tucked her hair behind her ear.

"It's going to be ok; I promise. I know its early and we didn't plan this, but it will be ok I promise." I said and pleaded to Melody. She nodded and put her head into my chest, her breathing slowed, and she put her hands around me.

Melody POV-

Yoongi was still hugging me tight when I hear my door open. I peaked my head up over my shoulder to see all the guys walking in my room and sitting around me on the bed. They were waiting until I was sitting facing them all. Yoongi had moved over so I could sit up but the headboard, he was still next to me holding your hand.

Joon spoke up "Melody we are so sorry, we were careless last night, and someone saw us. We were lucky Dispatch told us before printing the story and we were also lucky these people didn't hurt any of us last night." He said with a bit of venom at the end. He looked mad. Jin spoke up, "We are going to have to lay low for a bit, but we promise that we will make sure you get more bodyguards just to be safe. From what Sejin said these Sasaengs are not good and could possibly do us damage if we aren't careful." He told me.

They all moved closer to me bringing me in for a big group hug. All of them saying the same thing, "We will protect you Melody, we love you." Once I had calmed down completely I went in the bathroom to wash my face and put on comfy clothes. The guys had set up the living room with a bunch of pillows and blanket for everyone to sleep together and have a movie night to make me feel better. After ordering take out and watching a few movies I all fell asleep. Tae cuddled up on my chest and my head laying on Hobis chest. Jimin was below me holding on to my feet, while Jin was above me near my head with his arm outstretched to touch my shoulder.

I couldn't help but feel safe with them all, all of us together just felt right.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of bacon and coffee. I had to wrestle out of Tae grip but once I did I headed over to the kitchen to grab some coffee. I opened the door to see Joon sitting at the counter and Jin cooking. "Good morning" I said as I entered the room grabbing a mug from the counter and filling it with coffee, some creamer, and a few spoonsful of sugar. Both guys looked up at me saying good morning and asking how I slept. "Good thanks, panic attacks usually take a lot of of me unfortunately" both frown. "Do you get them often" Joon asked. I nodded "Yes, I am working on it, but I do. I have been out of my comfort zone recently, so I'm actually surprised it didn't happen sooner." I sit down next to Joon sipping my coffee. "I think being with you all has helped to be honest, I feel at home. If that makes sense." Joon nods. "Your Soul feels at home with us since we all belong together, we can help you through this Melody so please just keep talking to us." He pleaded putting his arm around me for a side hug.

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