Chapter 31- Family

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A/N- sorry for the lack of update everyone, I had a lot going on this week. I plan to update a bit more this week, the Hubby's out of town so way more time to write! :-)

Well, no time like the present, I thought opening the dreaded email from my mom.


I finally found you, you think you can really get away from me. Now that I know where you are and who your Soulmates are I will find you. You owe me.


Well, I didn't need two guesses on what she wanted. She would only use me before, I knew that she hadn't changed. Hobi walked in as I finished reading the email and looked concerned at my stressed face.

"Babe what's going on?" he asked. I sighed "My mom reached out to me." He at first looked excited but stopped when he saw your reaction. "Is that a bad thing?" he asked. I didn't really want to have this conversation, but I could avoid it forever. "Maybe I should tell you all, is everyone still up?"

I felt like I had Deja Vue, everyone was sitting in the living room. I tried to break the ice. "We all have to stop meeting like this." I giggled, Jin laughing at my terrible joke.

"OK, ok in all seriousness, I wanted to tell you all something. I got an email from my mom earlier. I know I have mentioned that I have a strained relationship with my family, but I better explain now since she has found out about you all."

Everyone got quiet and let me have the floor to explain. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes briefly opening them to begin explaining.

"So, I haven't had good relationship with my family, my dad left when I was young, and I haven't heard from him at all. My brother and I chat here and there but it's a very surface level relationship. My mom on the other hand is in nice terms a piece of work. I cut off contact with her about a year before I found out about you all.

Before I cut off all contact, I was living with her, and it was not good. She would take all my money that I had earned and basically treated me like a piggy bank. She constantly had a revolving door of boyfriends that were not exactly the best. I luckily was smart enough to put a lock on my door so they wouldn't try to take advantage of me in other ways. She would not treat me like a daughter but a maid cooking cleaning you name it. It felt like I had no breaks. I would work all day and basically take care of everything else at night.

But it took me having my friend's holding money for me to save enough to move out. I would probably still be in that hell hole if it wasn't for them. I was happy as soon as I moved to my apartment after leaving her. She would try to reach out to me here and there, but I never responded but unfortunately, she knows where I am now and knows who you all are, and I'm sure she's only seeing you all as dollar signs. It makes me sick to my stomach knowing she is trying to get to you all."

I read them the email she sent to me, then I started to break down and cry, Jimin jumped up and grabbed me into a hug pulling me down to sit on his lap. Shushing me and rubbing my back as I cried.

"I'm sorry you all, I don't know what to do. Should I ignore her?" I asked to the guys.

Joon spoke up. "Let's talk all this out with the company, I'm sure there is something they can do to stop her." I panicked. "Joon, I don't want them to give her anything, if they do then she would just keep coming back again and again." He shook his head. "Oh, I don't think they would do that. Maybe there is something legally we can do to have her stop."

I took a deep breath, thinking over what Joon said. "I hope so, I don't think I could go through talking or being around her again." Jimin hugged me. "Of course, babe, we will protect you. we love you so much." I hugged him back burying my head into his neck.

The next day everyone went to Hybe, Joon had requested a meeting with legal to talk over what to do about my mom. Joon and I walked into a smaller board room with two of the lawyers. I told them the backstory and the email I received from my mom. Joon held my hand through all of it and made sure I felt supported.

After everything was aired out, the lawyers came up with the option of filing a restraining order and considering filing police reports for the abuse in the past. Hoping that would make her back off. The main issue they had thought about is that this option would make it public and could cause some issues. They were going to discuss it with Bang and told me to not respond and send any further emails I got to them immediately.

We both walked out of the room hand in hand, I felt a little better but still there was a looming cloud over my head.

Joon went to his studio, and I tagged along today to hang out while he worked. My mind constantly wandered to what could happen, laying on his couch with my headphones in after a while I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up to Joon carrying me to the car, I looked up to him smiling. "Hey, you." I said laying my head back on his chest. "Hey there, sleeping beauty, we are all done for the day so we are heading back." he said as he put me down so I could get in the car, he sat next to me in the back seat with the driver already ready to go.

Luckily the rest of the night went by uneventfully, I was happy to get back to my routine with the guys soon and even better Jiwoo had set up a spa relaxation day for us tomorrow. I drifted off to sleep laying on Joons chest looking forward to the day of no worries.

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