Chapter 14- Photoshoots and nerves

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We all cuddled and fell asleep in the living room that night. The next morning, we all go up and got ready to head to HYBE. I was a bit nervous going to the building, but I constantly had one of my Soulmates with me reassuring me that it would be okay and there was nothing to worry about. We all got into the Van and made our way to the building. It was way bigger than I thought, I was going to get lost in this place if I wasn't careful. We got dropped off at the garage entrance and headed to a board room where once we entered, we saw Bang sitting waiting for us.

"Good morning everyone, good to see you again Melody." He said with a smile. I bowed to the man "Good morning Sir." Then we all took a seat. Jin and my left and Yoongi and my right Jin held my hand and Yoongi had his arm around my shoulders. "Thank you again for thinking over going public, I know the guys are excited. I just wanted to go over the plan with you, so you know what to expect." He explained.

I nodded as he ran me through it and what he expects the response to be. He explained that there may be a mix of good and bad at first, but it was important to remember the true fans will love that the guys have met their Soulmate. He explained that HYBE would protect them all and make sure to up security for the dorm and have a standby location in case it was released where they were. He also mentioned that with going public they would need to be ready to release my identity in case it was leaked so in addition to the close ups they would have a few of my whole body ready to share if the moment arises. I was a bit worried about that but both Jin and Yoongi made sure to give a light squeeze of reassurance. "Yes sir. I understand." I said back to him. 

The guys and I all made our way to the stylist's area, they were already ready and waiting for us. Two girls grabbed me and took me over to the rack of clothes. They handed me a pair of black jeans, a flannel shirt, and white shoes. I went to the rest room and changed into the outfit, once I walked out the stylist unbuttoned a few of the buttons so I could see the tattoos and moved me over to get my hair and makeup done.

The guys were also getting done up but watching over me smiling, once they were done with me I walked over to  an empty couch and waited for the photographer to call me

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The guys were also getting done up but watching over me smiling, once they were done with me I walked over to an empty couch and waited for the photographer to call me. While I poked around on my phone I saw a pair of sneakers come up in front of me. Looking up I saw Tae's boxy smile beaming down at me. "You look absolutely beautiful." He said to me while pushing a piece of hair behind my ear. "Thank you." I said blushing and taking his hand as he sat down next to me. "Are you nervous?" he asked. I was definitely nervous but to be honest when wasn't I now a days.

"Yes, I've never formally had my pictures taken like this. It's a bit strange, I feel like I'm going to stick out like I don't belong." I said to him with my head down. He lifted my chin up with his finger bringing my eyes up to look into his. "You belong with us Melody, there is no reason for you to be nervous we will be with you." I couldn't help but get lost in his eyes. Then he leaned down and pecked your cheek, "until later sweetheart." He said with a smirk and getting up to go get his makeup done. My heart leaped into my throat; I wasn't sure I was ever going to get used to these guys.

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