Chapter 4- Bring it on!

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Only 3 left I kept telling yourself, I could not believe that I had already talked to 4 of them! And they were talking to each other about you. Which in my mind did not seem fair, I only could talk to my friends while they were all together.

Sam and Erica were so happy hearing from me about each of my Soulmates. They were also impatiently waiting on how they all know each other. I was chatting with them in a coffee shop when you hear the next sweet voice.

Voice- hello? Melody?

Melody- Hi, oh my gosh I love your voice!

Voice- oh my gosh you are just as cute as they said! I'm Jimin I'm 25.

Melody- Wow am I younger than all of you? Well, that's a stupid question. I'm sure you all are since I have 7 tattoos.

Jimin- hey not a stupid question but yes we are all older. But that's ok. You were worth the wait.

This one is going to kill me. He was so cute saying all the right things; his voice was making me blush just by listening to him.

Jimin- We all really can't wait to tell you who we are. Only two left to go and then you'll know but we are curious what you look like. I wish we could just video chat you right now, but Jin has his master plan.

Melody- I've heard his master plan and I get it, I am hoping we can all meet soon.

Jimin- oh as soon as we can we will. You have no idea how excited we are!

Jimin and I chatted for a while until Sam and Erica interrupted me to tell me it was time to head home.

I walked into my apartment and laid on the couch, thinking about each of my Soulmates so far. Jin, Yoongi, Hobi, Joon and now Jimin. I wondered what the next Soulmates name was when I heard a new deep voice come through.

Voice- Well since you're asking my name is Taehyung, but you can call me Tae!

Melody- oh crap you scared me. This is something to get used to.

Tae- Sorry!

Melody- no its ok! Nice to hear you Tae.

Tae- nice to hear you too. I can tell the guys weren't lying about you. Your all they talk about now, and us last two are getting super jealous.

Melody- oh? Well, you have me now, so lets chat. Tell me about you.

Tae- oh girly! Well, I am 25, I love art, acting, I love music and I'm ambidextrous.

Melody- oh wow! I love art too. Joon told me he goes to Museums all the time; we should all go for sure!

Tae- oh we will! I can't wait to go on dates with you.

Melody- I can't wait either!

Tae and I were laughing and joking with each other for the rest of the night. He was so silly and bright. His personality really was so bright and shiny too. How could my heart take more of these guys? They all were gentlemen so far, I really hit the jackpot. Now if I could only see them then i would be the happiest girl.

Another week passed and no new voice. This was the last one and I was starting to get worried, Jin and the others kept my spirits up so I wouldn't get discouraged. They seemed just as eager for the last one to meet me.

You were relaxing on your bed reading when you heard a sigh and a deeper voice enter your head.

Voice- *sigh* sorry I am little shy

Melody- Hi there, I'm a little shy too so take your time. I'm Melody.

Voice- Hi Melody, you do sound pretty. My name is Jungkook, but you can call me Kookie.

Melody- Hi Kookie, nice to finally talk to you. I'm sure waiting to talk to me wasn't easy.

Kookie- Yea it was hard watching them all talk about you and your voice when I hadn't heard it yet. Plus, it look a while for me to be able to. But I'm ok now.

Melody- I'm relieved, your cute. Tell me about yourself.

Kookie- Well I'm 23, I like drawing, Taekwondo and Video games.

Melody- oh nice I would love to watch you draw. I love art but am not good at it myself. I'm more of an observer. And I love video games we could totally play together.

Kookie- if you don't mind me being shy you can watch me draw anytime. And we could play! I would love that.

Melody- it's okay I don't mind at all I would probably be the same. Yay!

Kookie and I talked about video games and other things we both enjoyed. When I heard a second voice chime in.

Jin- Well Melody and Kookie, if you two are done getting acquainted we could let Melody in on how we know each other....

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