Chapter 28- Rest and relaxation before chaos

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The next few days we all took the time to sleep in and spend time together, I knew once they were back in Seoul that they would have to go back to work. I spent as much time with all of them as possible.

We all made meals together, went on a few more hikes to my dislike they got harder each time. Yoongi had read through your journal, and he was ready to help me when we got back to work on some possible songs. I was excited to see if they would turn into anything. 

The last day in the house was a bit more chaotic, they guys had their things everywhere and from what Hobi had told me, Joon tended to leave a lot of things behind. So, I spent most of the day gathering all the random things about the house for the guys to claim. This would be interesting I thought thinking this would be a normal thing getting these seven guys together after each trip. I laughed at it internally shaking my head.

We were all set to leave the house, I was sad to leave the relaxation part of the trip with my guys. As we all got in the van to go I looked back at the house, hopefully we all could take more trips like this. I settled into my seat between Joon and Yoongi for the hours long drive, I put in your headphones and put on my calm playlist while holding Joon's hand and laying on Yoongi's shoulder.

As we got close to the dorm Joon woke me up as well as Yoongi who had also fallen asleep on me. The van started to pull up to the dorm and I saw a huge crowd of people. Joon sighed loudly, "How did they know we were coming back today?" he asked to no one in particular. "No one but the company knew we were coming back today." Jin said. I started to panic at the amount of people.

"Can we find another entrance Joon?" Tae asked. "I don't think so, we really need to move this is getting ridiculous." He spoke. Turning to you Joon said, "We are going to protect you Mel, just make sure to say close to us, ok?" I nodded your head and kept a grip on his hand.

The bodyguards opened the door, Jin got out first then Tae and Kookie, making a barrier to one side, Yoongi, Hobi and Jimin took the other side. Then Joon got out keeping me behind him, then the guys made a circle around me as they made their way to the door. I kept your eyes to the ground and partially closed, there were a lot of photographers, so the flashes were too bright.

Once in the door they all ran for the elevator to get out of sight as quickly as possible and into the apartment. Once in the elevator I finally could take a breath. I was still surrounded by all the guys, all of them touching me in some way, holding my hand, touching my shoulder or elbow. They were just as nervous as I was it seemed.

Back at home in the dorm we all unpacked and decided to order some dinner, and all sleep out in the living room and have a movie night. While getting home was crazy I were happy to be back "Home".

The next few days were way more hectic they guys were back to work so they were out early and most of the times didn't come back until late. Halfway through the week I was able to get ahold of Joon and ask him if I could come to the company with them and help them if needed. He wasn't happy about me basically being as assistant but for now it would be ok, he thought.

He had me be an "Assistant" to Yoongi, Hobi and him since then I could hang out in their studios while they were at dance practice. Before Yoongi left for dance practice he showed me how to use all his equipment so I could mess around with making a song or a beat.

The software wasn't as complicated as I thought it would be, so I worked through some beats I liked, and I was surprised that it didn't sound terrible. After a few hours Yoongi was back from practice and I was still working, he tapped me on the shoulder scarring me, "AH! Yoongi!" he laughed, "Are you having fun? Let me see what you came up with so far." I handed him over the headphones and listened to my little song. He then turned to me "Babe, this is pretty good! Was this the first one you did?" I nodded blushing. "Well keep going! Don't let me stop you." he said sitting back on his couch letting me continue.

Yoongi would come up to help me every now and then but after a few hours Joon came and checked on the both of us. "Hey you two! It's getting pretty late why don't we head back." he said peaking in the room. "Joon, come here what she made." Yoongi said waving him in the room. I handed him the headphones and hit play.  He looked at me stunned, "You did this?" I nodded. "Right?! Amazing right!" Yoongi said to Joon. "Mel! You were holding out on us. You could totally be a producer." He spoke. "No, No I couldn't this was just for fun." I said brushing him away. "No seriously, this is great make a few more and maybe we found your new job." He said beaming back at me.

Once they had finished gushing over my song, we all headed out to go back home. Jin had gone back first to first pick up some food for everyone and get it ready for when everyone got back. Us three walked in and everyone was waiting at the dining table for us. Joon still gushing over me, "Guys you're not going to believe what Mel did today." he said, and I hid your face in my hands embarrassed. They all were curious and yelling what? "She was in Yoongi's studio all day and she created a song! And It was amazing!" he said. "Yoongi, you have it right?" he asked, and Yoongi nodded. He connected to the speaker and played it for everyone.

Hearing it on the bigger speaker made it more real for me, it was good I even surprised yourself. The guys all cheered when it was over. "WOAH! Mel makes me a song please." Jimin said. Then all of them were begging for songs from me. "Hey guys this was just for fun." Joon interrupted me, "Mel no! you can do this! You are so good!" I shook your head, but I couldn't help but thinking he was right, it was fun, but you really enjoyed it.

The guys had gotten the company to give you your own studio to work in, since the guys needed theirs to work. It had been a month and I had made a few more songs. The guys were always popping in to help me and give pointers or even collab with me on one. I was set to show Bang what I had come up with in a few days, I was a bit nervous to share them, but the guys were hyping me up. They made me feel like I could do anything and everything.

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