Chapter 8- Korea!

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A/N- hey everyone! thanks for reading so far. i made a little change to the shock portion of the soul bonding. i hope you like it! :-)

During the grueling 17+ hour flight after only being able to sleep about 6 hours, I had managed to complete 5 crosswords, and watched a few movies. My nerves were all over the place knowing I would be meeting my Soulmates so soon. Since looking them up I had downloaded a few of their albums so I would get more familiar with them. I really enjoyed the You Never Walk Alone album the most. I couldn't wait to talk to them in person, we all texted throughout the flight. I could tell they were getting more excited as we texted knowing I was getting closer.

The pilot came on the intercom and mentioned we were on the decent and the that we could now see Seoul out the windows. I looked out excited knowing my guys were somewhere below. Next thing I know I was making my way through customs and immigration. I walked out to the baggage claim area where I saw a man with a card with my name on it. He was super nice, luckily, he spoke English. His name was Dae-Seong.  He told me that he would help me if I pointed out my bag, once he grabbed it we were on our way to the car.

It was about an hour and a half drive to the dorm from the airport. I put my headphones back in and watched the skyline as we drove. The city was beautiful the buildings got bigger and finally we pulled into a parking garage to an apartment complex.

"We are here, I can bring your bag up for you" Dae-Seong mentioned. I nodded and thanked him. We walked over to the elevator, and he scanned his card for the floor. It felt like the longest elevator ride ever. They had the whole top floor to themselves. The elevator stopped and we walked out to the front door to the apartment. Dae-Seong knocked and from the other side I heard fumbling and running to the door. I chuckled to myself, I had seen in their videos that they were ridiculous and could sometimes really get too excited for their own good. Then came some shushing and the door flew open.

I was so nervous right before the door opened, I hid behind Dae-Seong. Then I heard a voice say, "Where is she?" then Dae-Seong stepped to the side. I couldn't look up, I was petrified, but knowing they were waiting I look a breath and slowing looked up. As soon as I saw their smiling faces it's like time stood still.  It was like we were the only ones there no Dae-Seong, no one. The guys all smiled again and Joon look my bag from Dae-Seong and he left. They all motioned for me to come in, careful not to touch me. We had all talked about how we wanted to complete the 3rd sign and I could tell they were holding themselves back from hugging me.

We all walked in and went to the living area. The whole place was amazing tall windows with so much light and grey and black tones everywhere, super modern. They all sat on the couch and gave me the small armchair to sit in.

Joon was the first to talk. "We are so glad you are here; I know you had a long flight. How are you feeling?" the rest of the guys looking at me impatiently waiting to hear my answer. "I am actually okay, I slept for a bit on the flight, but I was really nervous and excited to get here. I'm sure ill crash in a bit though."

They all gave me encouraging words and smiled at me. Jin spoke next, "So since you're here now we really would like to show you your room. But I think so we don't accidentally touch you we should go ahead and complete our bond, if you okay with it." I nodded my head in agreement.

During my talks with the guys, we had all decided to do a line of hugs, I would go down the line by age and hug each of them to complete the bond. They thought going one by one would reduce the chances of me passing out from the shock.

The guys all excitedly jumped up and got themselves in a line. I slowly got up, looking at my feet, I was so nervous. I was worried I would pass out before I got through all of them. Once I took another deep breath, I stood a few feet in front of Jin.

Before I started Jin smiled and said, "We've got you baby girl, don't worry we are in this together." The words gave me so much courage. I could do this; I could do this. I look a few steps forward; I was only a few inches away. He opened his arms wide for me, then I look the last step into his arms.

The Shock was not what I expected, not an electric shock but a shock of warmth, like a soothing feeling. His embrace was so calming, I never wanted to stop hugging him. But after a few seconds we both parted, Jin smiled so big back at me. "You are really amazing; I feel so complete." The others cheered me on, grateful that it wasn't terrible pain for me.

I smiled to everyone blushing, I silently walked to the next person. Yoongi was smirking at me, "My Turn." As he opened his arms for me. Without hesitating I quickly ran into his arms. This shock was completely different. Unlike Jin's warm shock, yoongi's was cold. It was almost the feeling you get when you run into the house on a hot day into an air-conditioned house. It was refreshing. We took a second to hold each other when I heard a cough. Apparently, the rest were getting more impatient but the minute.

I laughed a bit at them, "Sorry, this is so strange, these two felt so different, what did you two feel when I hugged you?" both Jin and Yoongi and the same time said "Your that calm feeling you get when you just get home from a long trip. Content, happy and relief." "Oh wow, I want that feeling! Come here it's my turn!" Hobi said with a huge grin.

"Okay Hobi" I walked over to right in front of him. With a huge smile on his face, I jumped in his arms. The feeling was of pure joy, like I could never be happier in that moment. I held on for a minute when I told him. "Your is of pure joy Hobi! Just like you." I told him with a beaming smile on my face.

Three of the guys down and I was starting to enjoy completing their bonds. They were so unique; I could not believe it. We were all told that the shock would be like a static charge but ours was completely different. I walked over the Joon waiting for him to be ready. He said "are you doing, ok? You want to continue? It's not too much right?" I shook my head "Actually no, I'm really ok surprisingly. It's strange it's not painful at all. These shocks are actually pleasant." "Okay if your good, I'm ready for you. The last 3 are not going to be patient at all so I'm sure they won't give you a break." He said showing me his beautiful smile and dimples.

I took the two steps to him and embraced him. Again, no shock just a total feeling of contentment. Like I could relax in his arms and sleep forever. I could feel him place his head on the top of my head and chuckle slightly. "They were right about the feeling, no pain at all." We separated and I could see the last three bouncing slightly.

"Okay guys relax I'm coming." I said giggling at their reactions. I walked over to Jimin, making his famous eye smile at me. He was beyond excited, arms wide open shaking ready for the hug. I giggled and jumped in his arms. I felt total love from him, a love that would never go away. So much passion from him. "Oh wow!" I spoke. Jimin chuckled, "So what feeling do I give you?" "Love, pure Love" I said, and I was red as a beet backing up from him. He looked shocked and turned red too.

Next was Tae, he already had his arms open ready for me. I didn't hesitate and walked right into him. His was of being secure, the feeling that you are so connected to the person and complete safety. Its like you knew no matter what Tae would protect you from everything and anyone. You told Tae the feeling and then released him. I could tell he did not want to let me go. I pouted at him but said "don't worry I'm not going far." As the other guys chuckled.

Kookie was last, he was so excited practically bouncing from excitement. He chuckled and then opened is arms. "Saving the best for last! Come here!" hearing the groans from the guys I smirked and walked into his embrace. At last, the feeling of pride, like no matter what I tried I would succeed, and he would support me no matter what. I told him my feeling as we hugged for a min. then suddenly, I felt them all hug me. I felt nothing but love in that moment, it just felt like a dream.

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