Chapter 6- Disappointed?

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I woke up feeling like I was it by a truck, it was a long night. I had searched way too long about my Soulmates. I stretched and groaned thinking about meeting them today. Your nerves were all over the place, excitement, fear, longing, and dread that I wouldn't be what they wanted. I had about an hour to get myself together before the call, jumping up to get to the shower.

My thoughts swirled all around my head while the hot water hit my back. Getting out the shower, getting dressed in a casual outfit and doing my hair and light make up. I didn't want to look to different from my normal self but maybe a little more put together. Curling my Auburn hair slightly so it would fall around my shoulders, I added a small clip to my hair and walked out of the bathroom doing a double check of my face as I walked out.

Checking the clock, I had 10 min before the call. No time to eat before, thinking that eating would make my nerves worse. I booted up my laptop to get it ready for their call. I sighed "Am I ready for this?"

Finally, I hear the ring from my laptop, I stare at it for a second not ready to hit the accept button. I take a deep breathe and hit accept.

The Video loads and there I see your 7 Soulmates smiling back at me. They really are as handsome as the photos online; I sit there with your mouth hanging wide open for a few seconds. They all start giggling and then Joon starts talking. Finally knocking me out of the malfunction I was going through.

"Hi Melody! You really are more beautiful than we thought! Your voice is just as beautiful as you." I was stunned, not sure what to say. Joon continues "hey are you okay?"

Jimin chimes in "is she frozen? Did we break her?" causing the rest of them to start laughing.

I finally get the courage to speak. "Sorry, I am just stunned. I already knew what you all would look like but seeing you all live is something different. And not to mention Joon's comments caught me off guard. I thought you all would be disappointed." As I fidget with my shirt. The guys all reassure me. "No, No don't worry" is all I hear as I look down at the keyboard not meeting their eyes. I was super nervous, and my hands were shaking.

Next I hear is Yoongi speak up, "So... why don't you look up at us and tell us about your apartment there? We want to see it!" knowing he wanted to distract me, I inwardly thanked him.

"Oh! Sure Umm. I can give you all a tour of it, but its not too big so don't expect much." Luckily I had cleaned it up recently, so I wasn't too embarrassed. I showed them around and they made some cute comments on my décor on how they liked it or things they had noticed. Once I finished the tour I felt a lot calmer and more comfortable talking to them. Showing them my space broke the ice, I sat back down at my desk ready to finally start talking.

"Sorry guys, I was just a little nervous at first, but I'm ok now I think." I quietly share to the guys.

They reassure me yet again and then I all talk about random things for a while until Jin mentions "So Melody we were talking and wondering if you would like to come visit and meet us in person and maybe if you up to it move in with us. We know its soon, but we don't want to be far from you."

I was stunned, but in my mind, I was surprisingly not panicked at the thought or quick to say no. "I think I would like that. You are my Soulmates after all. But what about my apartment and my stuff?"

"Don't worry about all that we can help getting it moved here!" Jungkook chimed in bouncing in his seat with excitement.

Holy Crap I was going to be moving to Korea! I had so many things to do and I needed to tell Sam and Erica. Oh no, what were they going to say about all of this? The panic was starting to set in as I thought through all of it. The guys saw me start to go blank and were trying to talk to me, but I had already started to spiral and couldn't talk. After about 5 min I brought myself back and apologized to the guys and said I needed to go. Exchanging numbers quickly with everyone then I logged off, sitting there for a few minutes thinking of where to start.

-Yoongis POV-

During the call Melody had zoned out, I knew this look. I would get them periodically when something was getting to me. She gets panic attacks; the guys knew the look too since they had helped me out of so many. I told them to give me some time and that I would reach out, maybe too many texts would not be the good for her right now.

I grabbed my phone from the table and starting the text:

*Hey, its Yoongi, are you okay, I saw you zone out for a bit there?

                                               Melody- hey, yea I think I'm okay now I just was overwhelmed.

*Hey, it's okay, I get like that sometimes, I sometimes suffer from panic attacks too.

                                               Melody- Really?! You do? This is just a little much for me, all of you. I hope you all still  want me once I'm there. I can help thinking I'm not going to be good enough. My own family doesn't want me around so I'm afraid you don't want me either. Sorry for the long text, I'm a mess.

*Stop that, I know for myself I would never not want you; you are our Soulmate, fate wants us together and who am I to fight it. Plus, all of us were stunned by you. We are here for you, don't worry about not telling us how you're feeling. Especially me, I have been there, and I don't want you to go about this whole thing alone.

                                                Melody- Thank you Yoongi, I really don't know what to say. I guess I can't wait to see you all in person. It can't come soon enough.

*It will be here soon don't worry, but please don't knock yourself down okay. 😊

                                                 Melody- okay ill just text you okay if I feel down. If that's ok.

*of course babe, anytime

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