Chapter 9- Now what?

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Once we finished our group hug, Tae and Jimin grabbed my hands and we all ran to the couch again, but this time I was sandwiched between them. "Are you hungry?" Jin mentioned? "Actually, I kinda am." "okay how about these three, take you on a tour and I'll make you some food." Pointing at Tae, Jimin and Kookie who were now surrounding me. The guys pulled me up and basically tried to carry me around. "Put her down guys she can walk you know" Yoongi yelled at them. Reluctantly they put me down let me walk on my own, Kookie and Tae holding my hands and Jimin holding on to my shoulders.

They showed me the kitchen, the downstairs bathroom. Then we headed up the stairs, Jimin explained "Here is Hobi and I's room" I peaked in and saw both of their beds and a whole lot of plushies and figures on the walls. Each room was huge they each had queen beds and their own bathroom. "Next is Jins room, and then across the hall is Joons room." He showed opening each door. "They share this bathroom right here." I looked a saw the huge tub and walk in shower. I thought to myself, 'wow are they all like this? This is unbelievable'

We walked further down the hallway. "Here is Yoongi's room. Then across from him is my room." Kookie shared. Yoongi's room was mellow and had a bunch of recording equipment, where Kookie's was full of gaming stuff. I smiled knowing I would love to play with Kookie sometime.

"And last but not least here is my room!" Tae shouted. Opening his door, his room looked like something out of a painting. It had huge curtains from the top of the big windows to the floor. Plush pillows, photos and paintings everywhere.

"Wow, all your rooms are amazing!" I said totally stunned. "But wait theres more!" Kookie said. Across from Tae's room was another door. "And finally, in here Is your room." Jimin smirked.  I paused in front of the door. The guys let me open this one waiting to see my reaction.

I slowing opened the door the room was bright, like purple and small black accents all throughout. I gasped, "Guys!? That's why you asked about my apartment! You recreated my bedroom for me!" I started to tear up, with tears of joy. The guys ran over to me worried. "No, No don't cry!" they cried at me. "Guys I'm okay really. I am just so surprised you would do this for me." I thought to myself do I really deserve this?

You heard in your head *Yes baby you do deserve this; we all are happy for you to be here. * Yoongi was talking to me in your head. Stunned the guys looked at you. "it's true, we are happy you're here. We would do anything for you Melody." Jimin said. "Agreed, we would go to the end of the world for you, stop seconding guessing." Tae said. "Now let's get you back to Jin for food. Then you can try out the bed, I'm sure your tired." Kookie said.

They walked me back to the kitchen, Jin had a piping hot bowl of Ramen waiting for me. I thanked him and slowly ate it. It was so delicious, yet another thing I couldn't believe. This was going to be a huge change and a lot to get used to. After finishing the food, the guys all walked me to my room, helped me unpack and left me to shower and get to bed.

After showering, I saw on my bed they had left a package. I opened it revealing 7 fresh sets of Pjs, with cute characters on them. I picked the one on top, they had a cute white alpaca on them. I placed the others in one of the drawers and then jumped into bed. Remembering to text my friends I arrived I placed my phone down and drifted off to sleep, the bed was so soft it was like sleeping on a cloud.

I woke up the next morning to a knock on my door. I slowly opened it seeing Jin on the other side. "Good morning Melody, breakfast is ready if you'd like to join us." Smirking at my Pjs. "Sure, I'll be right there." Confused by his look I went back in the bathroom, washed my face, and brushed my teeth and headed down to the kitchen.

I heard some light laughter and banter as I entered the kitchen. "Good morning, so what's funny?" I said as I entered the kitchen. "Oh nothing, we just were betting on which PJs you would choose." Tae said with a frown. "Jin Won of course." Jimin said. "Wait, I'm confused how did he win?"  the guys all chuckled. "I won because you're wearing my Character! HA! Pay up guys!" I shook my head at him. These guys were a handful, but I knew they would always keep me guessing.

We all ate breakfast just chatting about the day and what they had planned. The company had given them a few days off with me since I just had arrived. I wasn't sure what they had planned, but then we heard a knock at the door.

Joon jumped up and ran to the door, coming back with a slightly shorter man wearing glasses. "Hi Melody! I'm Bang Si-Hyuk, chairman of Hybe it's so nice to meet you." I got up and shook his hand "Nice to meet you too sir." Then going back to sit between Yoongi and Jin.

"So, I'm here to chat with you all. Since you finally found your Soulmate, things are going to change a little bit. And I found it fitting to come here to tell you all in person." Bang then explained to all of us what was to come.

A/N- So i may start posting as I write these. I have so many thoughts I want to get them out before i lose them lol. So it may be more than mon, wed and Friday yay!

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