Chapter 21- Beauty and the question

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"How about it Melody? Want to give them all a fashion show of what we got you?" Tae asked. I knew I would not win this fight if I was to said no, so I reluctantly got up and the three guys all took me into my room to show me the items and help me with the mini fashion show.

I sighed and walked back into my room with Hobi, Tae and Jungkook, the last two grabbing on to both of my arms basically skipping with excitement. I knew there was no way I was getting out of this one.

Hobi got all the items out of the bags and put them in outfits on the bed. They had also got a bunch of accessories for me as well. I was never good at accessorizing; I manly just stick to my one plain silver bracelet and silver ring. They expertly put together each outfit with accessories and told me to put them on down the line and come out to show everyone. "Just let me know if you need help." Hobi said winking on his way out of my room. I couldn't help but blush at his words.

I gave them the fashion show going through each outfit for them. the last outfit was a fancy red and black dress with matching heels. The dress was knee length and beautiful. I couldn't finish the zipper, so I called out to Hobi for help. He walked into the room smiling "I knew this would look beautiful on you." he said walking over to me. "I need help with the zipper." I asked and turned around showing him my back. he walked over and gently touched my back them zippered up the dress.

"You are so beautiful." He said giving me a light kiss. I blushed and put on the heels. "Last one, they are going to love it." he said helping me down the stairs. The guys looked at us coming down the stairs and were stunned.

Jin spoke up "I cannot wait to take you out to dinner in that dress

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Jin spoke up "I cannot wait to take you out to dinner in that dress. You are absolutely gorgeous." I blushed and hid my face. Hobi lightly pulled down my hands. "No baby, don't do that." I looked up and smiled at him. "Thanks guys really these clothes were amazing. I appreciate everything you all have done for me." They all popped up and pulled me into a group hug.

After I got back into comfy clothes I came back down and had a game night with the guys. We all played Mario Kart, Super Smash Brothers and to round out the night a game of never have I ever.

Tae grabbed an empty bottle to spin to determine who went first for the questions. The bottle spun and landed on Joon. He looked around to figure out the best question to ask. "Okay, I got it....Never have I ever gone skinny dipping." I looked around to see who would put one down. Jin, Jungkook and Jimin put their fingers groaning. I silently also put mine down, but Tae noticed and smirked in my direction causing the rest of the guys to gasp at me. "Oh, come on guys, it's not what you think" I said blushing. Joon spun the bottle again it landed on Tae, "Never have I ever gotten a tattoo." Everyone immediately looked at Jungkook as he put his down but only Jungkook and Tae saw me also put mine down. "Melody?! You have a tattoo?" Tae asked and all the guys except Yoongi, Hobi and Jungkook looked at me. Yoongi spoke up, "You'll all see it eventually, give her a break." I silently mouthed thank you to him, I didn't want to show them all at once.

Everyone took turns coming up with questions until everyone didn't have a finger left up. We had laughed and learned a lot of weird things about the guys. We all were starting to wind down for the night, then Joon came over to me. "Melody?" I looked up at him, "Yea Joon?"  "Would you mind if I came and talked with you tonight?" he asked. I nodded "I would like that Joon, just give me 20 min I'm going to go shower and get ready for bed. Feel free to come in and relax if you want to while I get ready."

He ran to his room to get ready for bed as I did the same. I jumped into the shower and did my skin care and brushed my teeth and put my PJs on. I walked out to Joon laying on one side of my bed reading a book. Looking up at me as he hears the door open. "Hey there" he said. "Hey" I said walking to the bed and sitting in front of him.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked. He put the book on the side table and crossed his legs and put his hands on his chin studying me. "I just haven't had a lot of time to talk to you, so I decided I wanted to make more of an effort. For you." I smiled at him. It was true I had spent the least time with his so far but when he did spend time with me it was very deep.

He asked about my friends, how I was coping with being in Korea. Always smiling and giving support. Then he asked about my family, I explained that I weren't close with them at all. I basically raised yourself and mainly were at my friends houses all the time. They were very much in their own world; they would give me all I needed in terms of the necessities but in terms of love and how to show love I was neglected. Joon frowned at the words and the slight tears in my eyes. "You don't have to worry about lack of love now Mel." He said with a smile "You're not alone."

"I know that I think I'm ok now, I just know in my past I couldn't tell the difference from real love and someone taking advantage. In school there would always be someone who would try to take advantage of me. Luckily my friends were there to help me, but I'm not going to say it didn't harm me." He lightly grabbed my hand as I spoke. "That's why I think I was able to cope, I had to rebuild myself with the help of my friends who loved me for me. I'm still not there but I do feel more whole now." I softly spoke.

"That's why I have a tattoo, to show that I have rebuilt myself, out of the ashes you could say." I spoke, Joon looked at me curiously. "Out of Ashes?" "Yes, I got low and depressed for a while, I had thoughts. But my friends noticed in time and were able to help me. Also, that's were my love of music came from. I channeled it into the music I listened to, and it really help me with my emotions. Still does honestly." He nodded. "Do you want to see it?" I asked. "If you feel comfortable showing me."  I nodded and turned around, so your back was facing him. You slowly raised your shirt to show my back.

"It's beautiful Melody

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"It's beautiful Melody. May I touch it?" he asked. "Yes of course you can." I responded. I felt the bed move and then a pair of warm hands touched my skin lightly. I felt him trace the tattoo from top to bottom along my spine. Then I felt him kiss my back and pull me into a back hug.

"Thank you for sharing that all with me Mel." He said kissing my head. I turned around and continued the hug. We both then laid down, I turned to him and said "Joon, thank you for listening, it means a lot." "Anytime Mel." I blushed and he leaned into kiss me. I met him in the middle to kiss him as he pulled me into him. His hands going under my shirt to feel my bare back.

We both released for breath then Joon asked, "are you okay with this?" I looked back at him, "Yes I am, I don't know if this is our souls, but I think I love you." he smiled "I love you too Mel." He leaned back into the kiss and started to unbutton my shirt. After he was finished I pulled it off, while kissing each other.

**Sorry time skip, one day ill be comfortable writing smut ☹**

We both relaxed into each other's arms starting at the ceiling. "Joon?" "Yea Mel?" he answered. "What's next for all of us?" I asked.

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