Chapter 26- Chimmy and Tae

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I woke up in the morning in a daze,  Jimin and I had not stopped all night, we both couldn't get enough of each other. I was laying on his chest while his arms were around me, I didn't want to get up, but my stomach was starting to growl. I had managed to get out from Jimin's grasp and not wake him up. I freshened up and went down to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

Hobi was in the kitchen making some breakfast when I walked in. "Good morning Hobi" I said as I walked in. "Morning Babe! Want some breakfast?" "Yes please!" I said walking next to him and giving him a peck on the lips and heading over to the coffee maker to grab some.

"Sleep well?" he asked sitting next to me and passing me a plate. "Well... Sort of" I giggled. Hobi shook his head. "Why am I not surprised he kept you up." I laughed and we both dug into the omelets he made they were delicious.

Jimin's Family was coming at lunch time so after I was done breakfast I went back up to wake Jimin and get ready for them to arrive. Waking Jimin was a bit harder than I thought, I ended up having to kiss him awake. He jumped up realizing the time and ran to go get ready too. I laughed as he bolted from the room, I really hoped his parents and brother were more supportive, but you had a feeling if they were anything like Jimin I was going to love them. Jimin's positive vibes has to have come from his family so I didn't feel as nervous.

Jimin's Family was here! Jimin was basically vibrating from excitement. His excitement was infectious I couldn't help but feel excited as well, no nerves at all. They all stepped out of the car, his mom, Dad and younger Brother they all were so excited and ran up to the both of us giving hugs.

Jimin and his brother joked around the whole time, he was constantly making fun of Jimin for his height since he had finally surpassed him. Jimin pouted "Yah! I'm still older than you!" chasing him around the yard.

His Parents and I sat back laughing at the two as they wrestled and played in the yard. "Those two never change." His mom said moving closer to me. She asked how I was feeling, she was the first parent to ask how I felt about the whole thing. She was so loving. The three of us talked and got to know each other while the two boys were messing around. I knew we all would be close which made my heart full.

Everyone ate dinner together and the guys had made a bonfire outside for everyone to enjoy. With only two more families left I couldn't wait to go back to Seoul to really start my life with the guys. The goodbye to Jimin's family was hard I really felt the most support from them. His mom was especially supportive of me after hearing of my family and how alone I felt. She made me feel like I was a part of their family now no matter what. It made me feel emotional thinking that my life had taken a 180 from what I had back in the US. From only a few friends to a large family now was a lot to take in but they were all worth it.

The rest of the day I all got ready for Tae's family to arrive they were coming by after dinner tonight and would be staying until the next day. Tae was excited and told me a little about his family on how they were farmers and poor before he joined BTS. I could relate since I had grown up with not a lot but unlike Tae I didn't have the support system he did. But I was glad I had such a great one now.

Dinner was here before I knew it. Tae was jumping every time his phone went off to see if they were here yet, I giggled at his excitement. I convinced him to come with me to the front porch to sit and wait for them. As time ticked by Tae got more and more impatient and then I saw a car pull into the driveway. Tae jumped up excited and almost couldn't wait for the car to stop to run off the porch.

His Mom, Dad and brother and sister all jumped out and hugged him as well. Tae then ran back to me and pulled me over to them. They all hugged me as well as they all exchanged hellos and nice to meet me. We both helped them with their luggage and showed them their rooms. It was late so we all decided to meet at breakfast and get to know each other better. 

Tae and I both went to my room after helping his family settle in. Once the door was closed Tae had me pined against the wall and was kissing me. After an intense make out session he pulled away. "Sorry I couldn't wait to get you alone in here." He said, I blushed. "Me too Tae, let me get ready for bed and then we can continue." I said giggling at him.

After getting ready for bed, I was surprised to see Tae in bed waiting for me. he was a sight to see, if looks could kill I would have been dead for sure. He pulled me up into his lap and pulled me in for more kisses and getting lost in each other.

I luckily had set an alarm the night before so we both didn't miss breakfast with his family. But Tae was cuddling me so hard I had to pry myself out to even turn it off. Tae grumpily got up but was happy once he saw it was me waking him up.

I had beaten his family down to the kitchen, so I started making breakfast for everyone. Pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, and cinnamon rolls. I was working when Tae's mother walked in "Would you like some help?" she asked. "That would be wonderful, its like cooking for an army for these guys." I said back with a smile. We both worked well together and got it all on the table as all the guys grabbed their share and left Tae and I with his family.

We all chatted about ourselves to get to know each other more, His mom and I had chatted while making breakfast, so I felt way more comfortable. I could see Tae was so happy seeing them, it broke my heart a little when I saw how little they seemed to see each other since joining BTS.

They were so happy to hear about how everyone was getting a long, and his siblings were excited since they hadn't gotten their Soulmate Tattoos yet. Hearing my stories just made it more exciting for them. Before I knew it, they were heading home. I could tell Tae was sad to see them go, I would make it a point with him to make sure we could go visit them.

I took a deep breath that night when I heard a knock and kookie popped his head in. "Hey Mel" he said coming over to lay with me. "Hey Kookie, I missed you." I said putting my head on his shoulders. "Me too Mel." He said kissing my head and pulling me in for more of a hug. I drifted off to sleep with he held me.

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